Chapter 1: Where's Hope

Start from the beginning

By a 10 minute drive to Jyugos new school, Misses Kyshin outside waiting by the entrance door.

Kyshin "Ohayogozaimasu AJ good morning" she says by a tone all energized smiling.

"Morning, I'm expecting for him to be good at school today" I rub the top of his head and he hugs my leg.

Kyshin "Never fear Mister Styles I'm gonna be with him by side no matter what, Jyugo were gonna have fun together your going to learn so many new things"

He nods lightly but then his expression leaves to certain thoughts "Daddy....please don't hurt other people today at that scary place"

I got serious hesitation on my little boys mind saying about my black eye since he knew about it.

Kyshin "Jyugo it's almost 8 let's go now"

Jyugo has his arms up wanting me to carry him up as I did around my arms "What is it dragon man" I ask

His soft hands feel my black eye gently then kisses my cheek softly saying "I love you daddy"

I had the face only a father would be shedding a tear well not to break out a single tear I kiss his cheek putting him down. "Have a good day at school dragon man" I said.

He then has his hands clawed out like a silly dragon running along inside with Misses Kyshin.

(*AJ strolling through the streets taking a walk seeing markets around saling goods and food*)

One store caught my eye seeing something that Jyugo would love the most. That kid loves Yoshi so much playing alot of Mario games. This can make an amazing present.

I approach to the man who sells the toys "Hello uh how much for the Yoshi plushie?" I ask politely.

The sales man responds "Oh my well it's gonna be 4500 yen"

I was in shock on how much it cost but realizing I got only 30 bucks in yen.

"Why do you want this sir" he ask very concerned.

I had to tell him back "No no it's okay I'm 15 yen short" I kept walking away heading off.

(*the sales guy shouts in Japanese yelling out his daughter for a favor*)

10:00 morning

Right now I came across a place to drink some tea and cake. I'm alone to take some time on thinking about what I'm gonna do cause I'm in big trouble. With this black eye, my boss is gonna beat my ass. I have to stay focus for tonight's fight. I need to think some plans on what should I do to propose something.

As I hear a bell ring, I hear the sound of someone calling out "Ay Styles"

One of the closes friends I chat with, Daryl Dixon, a motorcycle guy, age 28 use to be raised back in New York city now living in Japan.

"Boy am I glad to see you man" I took a sip of my tea as he then took a seat.

Daryl "I need your help man listen I'm gonna get fired if I don't find the missing part for a valuable motorcycle part this dude is one strict man his ride cost a fortune now if I don't find the missing part it's bye bye to this job."

I was too confused on what part he might need though, alot of motorcycles have the same parts inside them "What exactly are you trying to explain" I ask.

Daryl "Okay so this guy he's from the UK, a real life Dodge Tomahawk V10 super bike that thing cost a fortune and his chain guards need new ones"

I think in my head for a bit realizing I do know a guy in his garage having chain guards having extras "I know a guy that does have one but he's really serious about his stuff for himself" I said.

(*AJ Styles love story*) The Day I Was Reincarnated By An Angel Where stories live. Discover now