Karan's life

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Karan's POV
           Ever since my childhood, I was afraid of people. Most of the people bully me by saying that "you're good for nothing, you're not even worthy of 3 rupees and many harsh comments on me"

      There words made me feel as I'm not fit to live in this world and I never felt myself worthy of my parents love. I always felt like a burden on them.

       Then I started to be a complete introvert and live in solitude. I really enjoy loneliness rather than being in company. I started to rely more on myself and ignore people.
Well, it's not like I hold any grudge against people just that I am afraid of being hurt. I am not ready to put my trust in anyone.

        I started feeling all this since I was 15 years old. I never really had any friends and I avoid all of my relations. I am not at all interested in participating in any of the functions and parties anywhere.
Talking about my studies, I managed to secure first rank. I always write everything in my own style. I never take any others advice, I'd do whatever I think is right.
           I have now entered the college. I don't have any friends here too. I always go to classes on time and listen to all the lectures very well because I'm well aware of the fact once I got to hostel, I'll waste my time thinking about myself. It's very hard for me to concentrate on anything. I daily cry myself to sleep.

This is how my life was going until she started intervening in my life. She is "Naina Solanki".

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