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Thalia awoke before the rest of her family, except for her father who by now had already left for the toothpaste factory. She was always required to be the first at the candy shop in order to clean up and arrange candy displays before the doors opened.

So as quietly as she could, Thalia brushed her hair, washed her face, and grabbed a slice of stale bread on her way out the door. Wrapping her coat around her body as she shuffled down the street. It seemed to have snowed again last night and gotten colder. The change in temperature was noticeable as the wind nipped at her nose and cheeks, turning them a new shade of red. Yet despite the cold air, there was a group of people huddled around a pole, a piece of paper nailed to it. Looking around, it was noticeable that the same message had been pinned up in multiple places. She had to push herself towards the front until she was able to easily read the sign.

Dear people of the world, I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year. In addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever imagine.

Her heart beat fast in her chest as she finished reading the message. Five golden tickets were currently hiding in five Wonka chocolate bars, and the could be anywhere in the world. How happy were her brother be if he were to be the owner of one? Thalia could think of no one more deserving of this opportunity than her brother. Still, she couldn't hang around outside much longer, her hands had gone numb buried in her coat pockets. Not soon enough, she arrives at the store.

Still greeted by cold air as she entered, as the heaters were not left on during the night. That was her first stop, as she would now keep her coat on for at least another hour before the candy store successfully grew warm enough to where she didn't need it. It seemed news traveled fast as even before she was supposed to open the doors, there were countless people lined up outside Fetz Candy Parlor. As always they had mysteriously received their shipment of Wonka Bars last night, leaving her to set them all out, and wondering if she had possibly already placed a golden ticket on the shelves. She also didn't see the point in carefully setting up a display as it was obvious it was only going to be torn apart once the store opened.

She kept her thoughts back, as a few more workers arrive to help. Sooner than she would have liked it was time to open. Never had she seen so many desperate people run into a store before, people were yelling and shoving each other to the point she was terrified the police were going to have to be called.

Customers proceeded to not just yell at each other but to the staff as well. Herself included, and she would have been able to deal without the insults as she tried to get rid of people as quick as she could. The number of demands and taunts were enough to make anyone mad, and it was when they were out of candy bars that the real problem began.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we really are out of Wonka Bars," Thalia spoke, her voice holding an eerie calmness, a warning that she was only seconds away from having a meltdown. By now her coworkers had stepped in.

"Are you sure or are you hogging them to yourself? I know where you come from, your families nothing but smelly dumpster divers." The words stabbed her in a sensitive spot, it was a one-time occurrence, after all, desperate times called for desperate measures. Still, it hurt for anyone to bring it up, and it had been so long she believed everyone had either forgotten it or just didn't care anymore.

"Ma'am I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Her boss arrived as a fellow worker followed after him. It seemed the girl knew that neither of them were going to be able to deal with the rowdy customer who was insulting them for apparently "ruining her son's childhood."

"You Alright? Both of you?" Fetz asked as he approached his two workers, "It's going to be hectic for a few days if anything it would have been nice if we were given a notice for this." The store owner muttered as he decided it would be best to stay in the front of the store.

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