01 | Halloween

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The zodiac signs on Halloween:

SAGITTARIUS spins around in their Vampire costume, it's finally their favorite theme time of the year. LIBRA has already eaten 12 pieces of candy and now their costume has become a bit snug. ARIES and SCORPIO aren't dressed up at all but are caring bags filled with eggs and toilet paper. VIRGO knows they are up to no good and hopes that they aren't the ones that will get egged. CANCER bought a darling costume this year and was too afraid to step out of the bathroom. PISCES was dressed up like an alien and had creepy contacts that are really freaked out TAURUS, who was dressed like a potato. CAPRICORN was bobbling for apples, and getting water all over their angel costume. GEMINI made a ghoulish punch filled with alcohol, but made sure that no one else knew about the alcohol in it. AQUARIUS drank 3 cups of it, but actually knew that there was alcohol in it. They ended up puking all over LEO'S Madonna costume.

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