Chapter 4 [what happend?]

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Daniel's POV _

With hands curled into fists and a tick forming in his jaw, Daniel's mind was a jumble of thoughts. He was thinking if it was a good idea to befriend the brunette. Will this benefit him in any way? The boy who trailed behind him was whistling to a tune unbeknown to him. On the way back, Daniel has been occupied with thinking what he could do with this connection with the camp counselor that he was jolted out of his thoughts when a hand clamped on his arm. It was Jen and it seemed that they've arrived.

"We have a lot to catch up to, Danny." She smiled. When he looked back, he found David busily chatting with the other girl.

"Where shall I start?" He hummed in mock contemplation.

"Cut the shit, Daniel. What happened after you left camp, when you left me to die? Did you have an ulterior motive behind all we've planned?" She continued to bombard him with questions and he motioned her to stop when he saw Gwen walking towards them.

"Gwen, heyyy!" Jen forced out. Like a mouse caught in a trap, Daniel rolled his eyes. Unsurprisingly, the other girl didn't notice.

"David's working on those paperworks. I told him to do it sooner but he just doesn't listen sometimes," she sighed. "He could've done it while we were busy. Wonder what the hell he's been doing the entire time." She cast an obvious glance to Daniel's direction. Jen caught on immediately when her head snapped to him too.

"We do the things good friends do. You know, like, talk?" Daniel smiled. The co-counselor's eyes narrowed at him.

"Whatever. Since we're all here and David's busy, we should all do our jobs already. Jen, since you're new, you'll observe first. Get a feel of how things work around here. Daniel, you're up next. I trust that you've seen how David works. Give the kids something to do cause right now, I'm not feeling up to the task." Gwen waved her hand.

Both cultists nodded their heads. The co-counselor retreated back to her cabin with not so much as a farewell.

They surveyed the scene. Campers were all over the place, running in circles, beating other kids up, and being the dumb kids they are. Jen put a hand to her forehead.

"Just like last time?"

"Just like last time," Daniel nodded.

"And so, we shall start with painting." Jen clapped her hands. The two of them gathered the materials for this camp activity and set them up in the hall. With Jen's expertise in fine arts, she was able to create a palette of monochromatic colors of red. They called the attention of the campers and escorted them into the room.

For once, it wasn't to plan for their demise. It was just another day in camp. Jen explained that the campers had to create an artwork using one color in different shades. It was quite the mind-worker. Daniel hadn't much experience in the arts and he was always fascinated with paintings. It was messy at first and the campers didn't really know what to put on their canvas until Jen showed them an example. She painted the afternoon sky with the clouds and pine trees off into the distance, except they were all red and the sky was an ominous shade of crimson. As if she painted hell.

And the kids gained the initiative to paint. One kid in particular, Dolf, painted something similar to Jen's but with his own interpretation of it.

"Did I do good?" Dolf grinned up at them. Red substance was splattered on his hands and shirt. Daniel stood back and watched from a few feet away.

"Superb!" Jen ruffled Dolf's head and nodded.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Gwen came to visit and was surprised to see Jen working. Nonetheless, she gave her a thumbs up and retreated. David came around after the paperworks were done. By the time their camp counselor came back, the kids were tired and the sun was setting.

They gathered around a fire where Gwen was cooking fish. All campers and counselors ate in their respective places. Daniel sat beside Jen on one log; David and Gwen sat on another. As he looked up from his food, he saw David look up as well. With the dark of the night and the fire providing the only light source, David looked mysterious. Mysteriously handsome. Daniel quirked an eyebrow and David smiled at him.

"Oh! Are we going to have more singing like last time?" Space Kid quirked up. Neil shushed him.

"Damn it, Space Kid! Why'd you have to remind them?" The boy facepalmed when he saw David's eyes light up.

"Why, I'd love to–"

"Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like to sing a song." Daniel volunteered. David grinned and gave him the floor. Ever since that moment in the forest, he felt he had to reminisce the days when he was in love with bands. One band in particular.

For this song, a fiddle won't suite well. But he could always alter the melody. Do an acoustic version with his fiddle. As he was coming up with ways to sing his song, he brought up his fiddle and started up a tune. Then he sang.

'Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time. Come on just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me.'

With that said, the campers snapped their fingers to the beat. Daniel almost laughed.

'Good good, now we're making some progress. Come on, just tap, tap, tap your toes to the beat.'

He saw David perk up when he began his number. Could it be that he knew this too? That makes it all the more entertaining. With a grin, he got into his groove and sang with more enthusiasm.

'And I believe this may call for a proper introduction and, well, don't you see? I'm the narrator and this is just the prologue.'

Halfway through his words, David stood up and brought out his guitar. He gave him the stage this time.

'Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives.'

And together, they sang the chorus. It was just like that morning when they sang. It went back and forth between them with a synchronized harmony. No dead air to be heard. Last time, there was some kind of heated tension between them. Now, it was purely for entertainment. The campers were hollering and dancing to their jig. Even Max was banging his head to the beat.

They both had a showdown of instrumentals. David with his guitar and him with his fiddle. And just like last time, they progressively edged closer to one another. David ended the finale with the high-pitched ending, singing la la la and strumming his guitar for a closing remark.

Daniel was impressed. And apparently, so was the camp as they clapped and whistled. The other camp counselors applauded as well. Daniel has got some competition. David smirked and bowed. The blonde copied his actions and went to sit back down with Jen.

"Do you regret going up there?" Jen whispered once he was all well and comfy on his spot. He let the question sink in.

"No, I don't," and he genuinely felt that he didn't. Daniel's going to have to step up his game. But that doesn't change the fact he'll have to decide David's fate sooner or later.

Divided (camp camp) {danvid }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora