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P.O.V. Mathilda
I was leaning on the balcony edge staring unto the lakeside. Lucky for me my room was located at the back side of the castle where I can have this wonderful view. I just stare blankly unto the vast blue lake and green hills that have a hint of brown spots. As the wind flew against my mahogany coloured hair and peach toned dress I just pondered on the thought of how it would feel to be free from all o this stress to simply run away from this perfect life. But no matter what I cant leave my parents or kingdom just like that because i'm the one next in line to the throne, the people are counting on me to rule and guide them as their queen. And that made matters worse, because im next in line I have to marry a prince from another kingdom no matter how I'll hate him. Sometimes I wonder if they even care about me all they do is boss me around telling me to do this and that to be prim and perfect to look elegant to the people and other royalties. My thoughts were disturbed by a knock on the door, I tried to block it out but the person on the other side kept on knocking so i was forced to answer it. Upon opening it I wasn't surprised at all to see who's standing there her arms crossed and her face in a pissed of position... my mom.
Sorry for the short chapters I'll try to make it up in the next chapter.
Sorry again if this book is boring, i am just new to this.

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