Chapter 1 - Kindness attempt failed

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This is a Hey Arnold fanfic I'm writing. I had this Hey Arnold dream where Helga told the class (minus Arnold) that she loves him, and Arnold overhears. I told the groupchat on Instagram about the dream and they said I should make it into a fanfic. So I am 😂❤️ It takes place a few days after the episode Girl Trouble. Let's get on with the story :)
I DO NOT own Hey Arnold, it belongs to Craig Bartlett and Nickelodeon ❤️
It was History period in Mr. Simmons' 4th grade class. Arnold, Helga, Phoebe, and Gerald had a presentation for their project.
"That is a stupid buffalo, Football Head! Redo it or I'll dump paint on you again!" Helga said.
"It's almost time to present! And you really wouldn't do that." Arnold shot back.
"I would, Arnoldo.
Mr. Simmons, can I go to the bathroom?"
"Go ahead." Mr. Simmons said.
"So now you're just gonna lock yourself in the bathroom? Like that's gonna help you escape the project." Arnold said.
Helga just made a face at Arnold and then ignored his little comment.
Helga went into the bathroom and made sure no one was in the stalls. (Seems like a perverted act, but hey, she'd do anything to keep her secret!)
"Why do I always have to be so mean to poor Arnold!" She said aloud to herself.
Helga took out her locket and rubbed it with her index finger.
"Oh Arnold, if only you know how much I love you! If only you knew how bad I feel about being mean to you! If only you know why I act this way!" Helga said.
"During this presentation, I will try to be kind."
Helga went back to Mr. Simmons' classroom.
"It was nice of you to show up, Helga G. Pataki." Gerald said.
"I was only gone for five minutes!" Helga said.
"Okay, next we have Arnold Shortman, Helga Pataki, Phoebe Heyerdahl, and Gerald Johanssen!" Mr. Simmons said.
"Okay, here is our-" Arnold starting saying.
"Arnoldo, I should start the presentation!" Helga interrupted.
Helga felt really bad about saying that, but she just couldn't help it.
Helga, don't blow it. Helga thought.
"Well, Arnold already started, Helga." Phoebe said politely.
"Arnold, I don't think you should get to start the presentation!" Helga said.
Why did I have to blow it? She thought.
Then they all started arguing back and forth. Well, Phoebe tried to stop them but she wasn't loud enough.
"I really hate to say this, but I'm going to have to give you an F for this project." Mr. Simmons said.
"This is all your fault, Helga." Gerald said.
"Don't turn it around on me!" Helga said.

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