King Il's Daughters

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A chubby man with dark hair is pacing around a hallway just outside of a room. The anticipation of waiting is getting to him, he is waiting for a servant to bring him into the room.

After what feels like hours, a servant girl with short brown hair peeks her head out of the door with a bright smile across her features.
"Come inside." She says to him.

He enters the room to see his beautiful wife holding two bundles wrapped up in silk blankets. He hurries over to her and stares down at his two beautiful daughters with such different features. One with silver tufts of hair and grey eyes while the other has crimson tufts of hair and purple eyes.

"May I...?" He silently asks his tired wife.

"They are your daughters, no need to ask." She responds with a soft smile.
He picks up the one with silver hair and stumbles a bit, "Careful Il!" Says his wife.

"I've got her." Says the man with a faint smile and closed eyes. He stares down at the baby, he holds his finger above her and she grasps at it with her tiny, soft hands. "What should we name them?" He asks his wife.

She stares down at the crimson haired baby in her arms, "This one is Yona, you should name the other one because I named this one." She says with a smile.

He thinks for a second and then gets an idea, "How about Shi-Na?" He asks his wife. He looks at her to see her staring at him with a 'really?' face.

"No, something unique, like her sister's." She tells him.

He sighs, "Alright, then how about Nizae?"

She smiles, "Beautiful, I love it."


A few weeks has passed since Il's daughters were born and he has spent every waking moment with them and his wife.

He is currently cradling Yona when a servant runs up to him with a letter.

"It's from the king." He says to Il.

The chubby man hands Yona to the boy and opens the letter, his hands quiver and his eyes widen. "What does it say?" Asks his wife.

"My father has ordered me to kill Nizae or he will kill her himself..." He responds.

"Are you sure? You must be mistaken!" She says almost immediately. "You can't kill her, she's your daughter!"

He turns to her, "That is exactly why I'm not going to kill her, I'm going to send her far away from here and tell him I killed her so he won't look for her and kill her himself."

"How are you going to do that? There is no way you could leave for a long time without notice." She says.

"I know someone trustworthy enough to take her away from here and keep her safe." He says as he crumples up the letter from his father.
Il is outside the gates with Nizae in his arms, he's waiting for the man he trusts with his daughter's life.

"Il." Il looks up in a tree to see a figure sitting on the branch, "Why did you call for me?"

"Please come down so we can speak." says the chubby man.

The man jumps down to reveal he looks nothing like a man, maybe 17 years old or so. He has blonde, messy hair sticking up in every which way and blue eyes. He wears dirt stained, white robes underneath a orange jacket with diamonds along the edges. He has a green headband on that is covered beneath his long bangs and a golden trinket connected to beads coming from the side of it.

"So why did you call Zeno here?" Asks the blonde.

"The current king has ordered me to kill one of my daughters, I ask of you to take her far away from Kouka and keep her safe." Says Il."Please, Zeno, I need your help..."

The blonde grins and holds out his arms, "Zeno will take her far far away and keep her safe!"

Il sighs in relief, "Thank you so much, Zeno. I am in your debt." Il cuddles the baby one last time before placing her in Zeno's arms, "Her name is Nizae, make sure she never forgets it."

Zeno nods and holds the baby close to his chest, "Will do, good bye!"

And just like that the Yellow Dragon Warrior is gone with Il's daughter, Nizae.

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