After the boys had finished eating I rushed them out of the building to the awaiting van out front. Liam complained about not having the limo (times like these I wonder how he became the daddy of the group) but I reminded him that we didn't want any fans to follow us. For all they knew we were already on a plane and heading to our homes until I contacted them to say I was ready to preform those three catch-up concerts. When we reached the airport I was all giddy. My legs had turned to jelly and I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. I would have sprinted out of the van, into he plane and even flown it myself if I had to but I had to act causal. The boys and I stepped out of the van wearily. We walked in holding our hands in front of our faces, trying to hide from two girls who were wearing One Direction shirts. We made it in unnoticed and got a trolley so we could carry all our luggage.

It took about 40 minutes and a lot of avoiding but we made it into the sky. "Are you as excited as me?!" I yelled, my leg bouncing up and down as the other boys walked around the plane.

"I am excited Harry but probably not as much as you," Liam said, walking over, lemonade in hand and patting my back supportively. I smiled up at him.

"Do you think we'll actually meet them today or tomorrow?" Zayn questioned. "I mean, today's the 28th and you're not supposed to actually be there until the 31st so do you think we'll actually meet them before then?" Zayn said, not specifically asking or looking at anyone. He was currently winning a game of air-hockey with Louis. Yes, we do have an air-hockey table on our jet.

"I hope so," Niall said before I could answer. "I really don't want Edward to think I'm a jerk. It was his fault with the hot chocolate but I just feel really bad," he said, taking Louis' spot because he had given up or 'retired' as he put it.

"I wonder what they are actually like and how their lives have been," I thought out loud.

"Well I can tell you that Edward comes off as really rude and that Marcel gets really offended really fast if you swear," Niall informed me as he scored a goal. "I don't think that kid swears. Edward swore at me and as soon as he did Marcel slapped him and for a moment they forgot about me and had an argument by themselves. I can tell you that that was an awkward ten seconds."

"Anything else," I asked. I haven't really asked him for much detail about my brothers because I was depressed but now that I'm back to normal (well, a bit better than normal now) I really want to know.

"Ummm..." Niall thought. "Well, I think something's happened to Edward, because when he ripped his shirt off he had a like a surgical scar under his tattoos on one side and a pile of bruises on the other. He could have had bruises on the other side but they were covered in tats so I couldn't see." When he said this I gulped. What I remember of Edward was the tough looking guy with the tattoos sitting next to a nerd. He did look like he was more prone to violence than anyone else I know but I really hope we're mistaken because if he's too dangerous, Paul won't let me be with him and I've come too far to be denied.

Harry, Edward and MarcelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu