Gaara x reader

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you have always been alone. in a large home. you lived in one of the biggest homes in the sand village. one lived there....only you. your parents died from an unknown reason. they left the house to you. but everyone ignored you. your aunt took care of you but she would only be home after 8 at night. you never knew why everyone ignored you.

one day you were walking in the park tightly holding a stuffed bear that was white (wut?). you saw a boy with the exact same bear on the swing (but his is brown). you walked over to him.


he jumped a bit but looked back at you, his eyes swollen from crying. they looked unusual,  they were sea foam greem and no pupils with black rings around them but then again...he did look cute...wait what?!

"w-why aren't you running? "

"what do you mean?"

"everyone is afraid of me how come you aren't?? "

"why your no monster? by the way im _____" you said holding your hand out to shake his hand. he shaked your hand nervously.  then you realized a kanji on his forehead that said 'Ai' or love.

"Ai? why is that there?" he didnt reply he just looked at the floor. you panicked then got an Idea.

"so whats your name?"

"oh im sorry. im Gaara. "

"your the one with the shakaku(cant remember his name)?"

he looked at the floor ready to to be rejected.



"thats really cool I've always wanted to meet a jinchuuriki! "

he smiled very softly. you then grabbed his hand and took him to the bakery. you got something in a bag and ran back to him.

"whats that?"

you took out a (fave cookie)  shaped as a star and a gaint chocolate chip cookie shaped as heart.

"here ya go the heart is for you!"

he giggled and accepted the cookie. after you finished he thanked you.

"so you've never eaten a cookie?!"

"well I dont get out much.."

you smiled. you held out your little finger. "I promise you to be your friend kay? "

he smiled and wrapped his finger around tours "and I promise to be yours." he replied.

~ 5 years later~

you woke up and put on a simple white yukata (I think thats what there called?)

you ran down stairs and ran past the door. in no time you found Gaara exiting his house. you jumped on him. "happy birthday gaara!!!"

he smiled sweetly. you took out a small box from your pocket. "here you go" you said handing him the box. ""

"hehe yea you theres no other birthday boy around!" he giggles a little and opens the box and a silver necklace with a charm also silver shaped like a moon. you then reached for your necklace. it was golden with gold sun charm. he smiled and hugged you.

~le awesome time skip~

you and gaara were talking in his home sitting on the couch. then you heard yelling.

"kankuro if you tried to stop being a pervert you might get a girlfriend! "


"seriously I would have a heart attack and die if you would stop!"

you and gaara peeped in.

"Temari-san? whats a 'girlfriend'?"

kankuro and Temari looked a you and Gaara.  they never talked about these things to you.

"well I quess its time to tell them. ."

"yea" agreed kankuro

"see darling brother and bestie, a girlfriend is not just  a friend thats a girl, a girlfriend is a girl that a boy has feelings, and by feelings I mean romantice feelings...."

you and Gaara just stared. it took a while to process it then you blushed hard and Gaara turned red. "so does this mean megan thinks were.....""yea,.." you said pulling your hair a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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