"Payton Heights"

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Hi I'm Payton Heights. You might know me as the girl who has no parents or a missing and psychopathic father. But the truth is my mother died after I was born and my father left right after she died. In the whole 17 years of my life I have never met either of my parents. I used to be sad about it but now I understand. At least I think I do. The only reason why my father left me was because my mother had died and he was scared of raising me by himself. When he left, which was basically right after I was born, he left me with my aunt Ella. She's my mothers sister.

This morning I wake up with my aunt shaking my shoulders.

"What!", I say a little scared.

"Joey's here", she says pointing to the door.

Joey is a guy from my school. He's in all of my classes and he's supper annoying but he's the only person that's actually nice to me and that I like "as a friend" at school. Joey has this super huge crush on me. Which is also really annoying. I only see Joey as a friend. Not a really good friend but "a friend". Sure he's extremely handsome but I don't like Joey that way. We're just friends. Everybody says we would be so cute together but I'm not in love with him.

"Okay. God!! You scared me half to death", I rant to her getting up and running downstairs towards the door.

Sure enough there's Joey standing outside waiting for me to answer the door. I open it.

"What do you want?", I ask probably a little too rude.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house. We could hang, talk, eat junk food and maybe watch a movie. If your up for it. I'm just really bored," he tells me. He always talks way too much.

"Well, good morning to you to. Thanks for waking me up by the way." I don't mean to sound rude and all. And I know I do, but I don't really want any friends. I don't like people and I don't like getting attached to them.

"It's not the morning anymore Pay. It's like", he stops to look at his watch, "12:30."

"Oh man, I missed breakfast and lunch."

"So...a, do you want to come or not?", he asks me eagerly.

"Sure but let me get dressed first."

"But you look fine", he says looking at me adoringly.

"No I don't. I just woke up", I role my eyes.

He mutters something under his breath but I can't make out the words.

I run up the stairs away from Joey to get dressed. My aunt passes me in the hall and goes downstairs to talk to Joey. I turn left, go into my bedroom and throw on a pair of clothes. Then I run back downstairs towards him.

"Ready?", he asks. But I don't reply. I just open the door and we walk outside to his car.

It's the second week of summer and this is the first time I have seen Joey at all in these past two weeks. I guess you could say we don't really talk much. Well...he talks a lot, I'm the one who doesn't - at all. It's just a really weird relationship we have together. Like I said before, I don't like getting attached to people. You never know what could happen next.

~At Joey's House~

"Divergent", I scream at Joey.

"No. I've seen that a million times already. Let's watch a...", he looks through a stack a movies on a shelf beside him, "Oblivion."

"Fine. I love that movie too", I grunt but can't help smiling afterwards.

"I'll make popcorn", he yells even though he's already in the kitchen.

He comes back a second later with a massive bowl of popcorn. It's his favourite.

We decided that we would talk to each other for a while and then start the movie.

"So what have you been doing so far. For the summer I mean. Got any major plans?", he asks me very curious with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing that I know of. Your like the only person I know", I say shoving him because he already knew the answer to those questions.

Me and Joey end the conversation short and we sit in silence for what feels like an eternity. Then he slips the movie into the DVD player and presses play.

We watch the movie for a good forty minutes. Then I can feel myself starting to dose off.

I wake with Joey playing with my hair. Great!!

"No no. Don't do that", I say sitting up. "What time is it?"

"5:00 o'clock."

"Shit. Sorry, Joey I gave to go. My aunt gets mad when I'm late for dinner", I stand up and grab my jacket off of the floor. Then I toss it on and my shoes.

"Ok. Well let me drive you." Ugh... He's always so insisting.

"Thanks, that would be great", I say opening the door and running to the car.

~At my House~

"Thank you so much Joey. I'll...a...see you soon. Ok?"

"Yah. Definitely", he says driving off.

When I get inside I see my aunt sitting at our dinner table in the kitchen. There's nothing on the table - no food, at all. Weird. All that's there is a phone laying on it beside her. She has her head in her hands covering her whole face.

"Auntie?", I ask extremely worried.

She turns around tears in her eyes. "Oh, sweetie. I...a...you."

"What?", I finally say.

"Sit down I need to tell you something. Something about your father", she says staring deep into my eyes.

Why? - an Ansel Elgort fanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat