Chapter 2

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I groan as I get up to sit next to Wyatt. 

"Heyyyy y/n," he says. 

"Stop, don't talk to me," I reply. 

"I kind of have to y/n, we're partners." I roll my eyes but know I have to work with him to get a good grade. But I make sure to look like I'm in true pain.

"Look, I know you don't want to work with me, I don't want to work with you either, but can you please stop rolling your eyes, you're so extra," Wyatt snaps.

"Mcscuse me bitch?" I ask. 

"Exactly what I mean..." he mumbles.

"At least I'm not obnoxious..." I say back. So what if I'm extra, extra is a good thing, most of the time.

Wyatt starts to talk about something for the project. I zoned out though. Wow, his eyes are so dark and mysterious...

"Y/n," Wyatt smirks.

"Yes," I say snapping out of my daze. 

"You were just staring at me." I feel my cheeks start to burn up. Stay confident, don't let his obnoxiousness get to you. 

"Ya I was, trying to find where your hairline starts," I snap back to Wyatt. 

"Y/n!" Noah yells to me in gibberish across the room. Noah is my best guy friend of the group, I can tell him everything. We learned gibberish together so we could talk and confuse people.

(next dialogue in gibberish)

"You were SO staring at Wyatt," Noah says.

"I know, trying to find that hairline."

"No, it was much more than that." Noah winks and gives me that double eyebrow, up and down.

I shoot him that, no I wasn't go die in a hole look, and turn back to Wyatt.

(back to english)

"Alright guys, this project will be due in a week. It's a big deal so I expect you guys to meet up in your free time to work on it," the teacher tells us. 

Great, can't wait to be with Obnoxious Oleff for the next week...

Wyatt Oleff x Reader: Obnoxious OleffWhere stories live. Discover now