as we all threw the contents of our backpacks in the trash, stan said,'best feeling ever!' richie looked at him and then said, 'try tickling your pickle for the first time.'

me and bill looked at him, I smiled, but bill just shrugged at his stupid joke. 

after we put our newly emptied out backpacks back on, we started walking to the bike racks so everyone could get their bikes, but then henry bowers and his stupid friends walked up to richie and pulled his backpack back so he fell into stanley and the both fell over like dominos. I sighed and muttered, 'wouldn't you just leave us alone, for once bowers?' I bent down to see if the boys were okay, they were and I helped them both up.

once they got up we could hear bill yelling after bowers, 'you s-s-s-uck bowers!' 

bowers turned around and said something in his face that I couldn't here, before licking his hand and wiping it on bill's face. I frowned and looked down, 'hey there, victoria. coming to my house anytime soon? we should really finish what we started last time' he smirked and winked at me. 

'shut up, henry. you were the one that dragged me to your house to 'do homework', I was just trying to be nice but I should've never trusted you. you pig.' 

his eyes narrowed, 'see you later, sweet thang. and by the way, good acting like you didn't want it.' he winked before running off to his car with his friends and driving away.

all the boys looked at me, to see that I just stood there and did nothing while frowning. eddie came closer to me and put his hand on my back, 'vic, it's okay. we all know that he has a twisted mind and what he did was totally wrong and bad. just don't listen to his lies'

swallowing the spit in my mouth, I sighed and said, 'guys, I'm fine. just annoyed that he's still annoying all of you'

my frown quickly turned to a smile again as we started walking to the bikes. 

everyone got on their bikes and said bye to me except for richie. he just stood there and watched all the others bike off.

'no bike today, rich? did you walk to school?' I asked him, he then looked at me and scrunched his nose while smiling, 'nope, I just saw that your bike wasn't here so maybe do you want to sit on the back of my bike and you can come to my house?' he pointed to his bike that I didn't see before with a hopeful grin.

smiling, I got on the back of his bike as he peddled back to his house. oh how I loved his house.

how his mom always had a big vanilla candle lit in the kitchen, how richie's room was filled with pillows and pictures of girls from magazines, and how the dark furniture was still so welcoming even though all the blinds were normally closed and the wooden furniture was a deep mahogany brown. 

once we got there, richie parked his bike as I got off and walked up to the front door. once he caught up with me he twisted the doorknob. no one was home. he fished a key from under the doormat that said 'welcome' and put it in the doorknob and opened the door while saying 'hot stuff first' while putting the key back in its place. 

as we both came in and the door closed, I could see the vanilla candle that was almost all burnt down to the bottom, 'vic, wanna go in my room?' I smiled and nodded.

after going through the hallway we got to his room and I let myself in. I jumped onto the bed and laid down on it. 'already vic? wow, I thought I would have to say a couple pick up lines before you wanted to tickle my pickle.' I gave him a disapproving look, 'you wish tozier!' before getting up off the bed and walking towards him, 'now I  may be hot stuff, but you're just richie tozier'

we were inches apart when I said that. he walked away from me, 'just richie tozier? do you know how many girls would die to be in my room and have me flirt with them the way I do with you?!'

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