Everyone talked and joked around as we ate the pancakes, the morning off to a good start for the first time in a long time. Ashton was telling everyone about his latest movie project for school when we heard Viktor clear his throat.

"Tabitha, I believe you and Krystal are supposed to be out right now," he said coldly. "Ashton, go and get ready we have a long trip ahead of us."

Tabitha's smile fell and a small scowl replaced it. "Nonsense, dearest, the children need to eat before doing anything or else they'll get sick and Ashton needs to take his medicine"

Viktor scoffed before turning on his heel and walking out of the room once again. The air around us was suddenly heavy and no one said a word; the smiles all gone and replaced with frowns. Tabitha sighed and looked over at Ashton who turned his gaze to something on the floor. It was painfully obvious that the family in front of me was far from happy and that whatever fight occurred last night was now being carried over into today... I wanted to say something to lighten the mood, to try and make them smile again, but anything that could be said was stuck in a lump deep inside the pit of my stomach bubbling around waiting to come out. Naomi looked up from her plate with apparent sadness all over her face and tears welling up in her eyes.

"I think I'll go up to my room today," she said, hardly even whispering. "I'm sorry I won't be coming with you today, Krystal."

I shook my head and put a hand over hers. "Don't be sorry, Naomi, you do what you need to do. I'm sure there will be other days to do something and get to know each other."

She gave a weak smile before standing up and walking out of the room. Ashton finally looked over at Tabitha and sighed.

"Don't make me go with him, Mom," he pleaded. "I don't think it's a good idea for any of us if I go."

Tabitha sunk into her seat. "Ashton, please be reasonable. I know things are tense right now but you can't just tell your father you've decided not to go; besides, Collin will be going with you so it's not like you'll have to deal with him much."

I saw that he wanted to argue with her more, beg her if he had to, about not going. Tabitha's face showed a deep regret about making him go, but it seemed like they both knew that one way or another this was the way things were going to be. Ashton would be going with Viktor whether he wanted to or not. Once again, Viktor walked into the room, his head held high with a long black jacket on and two large suitcases in his hands.

"It's time to go, Ashton," he stated; the tone of his voice sounding more like a warning than anything else.

Ashton sighed and stood up, walked over to the sink and grabbed a glass of water before putting two small pills in his mouth. Once the water was gone, he silently walked over to Viktor and followed him outside. When we heard the car fade into the distance, Tabitha relaxed a little and looked over at me with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry that things are tense right now, dearest," she said calmly. "I hope my husband hasn't upset you too much this morning."

I shook my head. "I've seen worse things with my mom and Axel. Is Ashton going to be okay?"

"He'll be alright as long as Viktor doesn't push him too hard. You don't need to worry yourself over any of this, dear, everything will be alright."

The way she said it reminded me of how many times I said the same thing knowing things wouldn't be alright. Telling myself that maybe today would be better than the day before when I knew for a fact it wouldn't be and there would be a new mark, a new scar, and a new memory that would haunt me for the rest of my life. It made me wonder who she was trying so hard to convince; herself or her children?

With My Last BreathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora