The Saga Continues I

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I woke Dark up just as he asked me to. He talked to me in his sleepy voice for a while before climbing on top of me. My entire body tingled extra hard because I thought I'd never be feeling this again. I stroked his face gently and wrapped my legs around his body. "Nice wake up call." he said, gently grinding against me. "I think so." I replied, biting at him gently. He easily slipped me out of my clothes. "Have I ever told you it's a tad bit troubling that you can undress me so easily?" I breathed. "Have I ever told you that it's easy because you are?" I pulled his hair hard. "Ouch...bitch." I laughed. I put my hands on his hips and ran them down to his thighs. That feeling always gave him the chills. "Oh unfair, you know what that does to me." he said, placing a few bites on my neck. "I do know...and I like it." He lined himself up and teased me with the tip. I closed my eyes and moaned lightly. I could almost feel him tensing at the sound of my voice. "(Y/N)..." he whimpered, slipping in. "You get tighter every time we fuck." he moaned, bucking his hips slowly. I ran my fingers through his hair, tugging at it periodically. I had to adjust to his size all over again, and I'd be lying if I said him being in me didn't hurt a bit. "You okay?" he asked. I nodded. "Just go faster." I breathed. He bucked his hips a bit faster until he was slamming into me relentlessly, calling my name and biting at me. I felt a climax begin to build rapidly. "Fuck, Dark!" I moaned, grabbing at him and holding us together. I couldn't hold back anymore, I hit my peak and held onto Dark as he hit his. We took a minute to relax and plant kisses and love bites on each other. He closed his eyes and looked a bit disappointed. "I've gotta get going." he said, softly. "Where?" I asked. "Demon Realm to meet with Kobelle again. This could either be a short trip or a long one...I'm not sure." My heart sank and broke. "Dark..." "I know, (y/n)...but I'm coming back. I promise." I embraced him and realized I had to let him go...I couldn't just hold him hostage because I'm worried about him. "Have fun and be safe." I said. "You can stay in my bed as long as you want." he said, departing before my eyes.


I scoured the City of Embers looking for Asmoday. No sign of him. "Kobelle?" "One step ahead of you." she said, landing before me. "I was wondering when you were gonna get here." "I had some business to attend to this morning." I replied. "I looked for sign of him." "I looked for him, too. Nothing." I gave her a playful look. "You sure you didn't kidnap him or something so we had to go on an adventure?" I asked. "I would never." she said, putting her hand over her heart. "Alright then. Let's get going." She followed me gleefully until we reached that nasty looking sea. "Oh god, what's the matter with this water?" she asked, peering into it. "It's not's freezing, too." She looked at me. "You can back out." I said. "As if, dipshit. Last one in the water is a piece of shit." I let her jump in first. "You did that on purpose." she said. "I know." "Why?" "Because I'm a total piece of shit, and I love myself for it." she laughed. "Alright, lead the way, I have no idea where we're heading." I swam ahead of her, guiding her along. "This is some weird ass water." she said. "It feels thick..." "It is. It's thicker and colder than most water...The Astral Plains isn't a normal place. Let me know when your arms get tired." She swam under the surface and tickled my feet. I dunked her when she came back up. This was gonna be a fun trip. Who can fuck with the other the most. What a fun game, I haven't played it since childhood. We reached the halfway point with Kobelle hanging onto my back. "Alright, rest time. Welcome to this weird ass little island with one barren tree on it." "That's a stupid name for it." Kobelle replied. "I never named it." "How about...yeah I've got nothing." she replied. "Not as easy as it seems." I said, sitting with my back against the tree. I closed my eyes and wondered what the hell Asmoday's deal is. "I wonder why he hasn't come back." I said. "I have no idea, but I'm sure he's okay." I groaned. "I hate this swim." I said. "It's definitely not easy." she replied, stretching. "But...break time is over." I said, getting up and jumping back into the black icy waters. Kobelle followed me reluctantly. "Nothing is down there, right?" she asked. "I dunno. Nothing has ever bothered me before." She looked nervous. "Just look at the horizon...the water is so deep you won't hit the bottom anytime soon." she swam beside me, looking uncomfortable. "Check it out, snow." I said. She froze where she swam. "The snow is a good sign...we're getting closer." she seemed hypnotized by the snow. "It's beautiful." she said. It hit me then that she'd never seen snow in her life before. "It's alright...if you like it, you'll love The Astral's almost always coated in snow." We swam in silence for awhile. "Why is your dad all the way out here? Is he...antisocial?" I wasn't really quite sure how to answer. "No...he''s a long story." "We have nothing but time, Arioch." She was right. I half-assed explained what had happened to him. "Fuck..." she replied. "I know. When he told me I did that to him, it kinda weighed heavily on me..." "It's not your fault." she said. "I know. I just wish it would've been different. I mean he's been stuck out there for over 20 thousand years by himself....maybe he didn't come back because he thinks he won't fit in." "Could be...but he'll be fine. He's got your mom." I cringed. "Yeah and that in and of itself is a slight issue." "Why? She said nothing but good things about him. Does he not like her?" "Oh no, it's not like that at all. They're both married, but they're both in love with each other. I don't think it'd be a good idea for them to be hanging out considering the circumstances." "Divorce is not an option?" I had to remind myself that Kobelle is new to...everything. "It is, but qualifying for one is hard as fuck when you're a demon. You can't just do it because you don't want to be with your spouse anymore." She had me wondering if bringing Asmoday back was the greatest idea. "His wife fucking hates me." I said. "Why?" she asked. "She sees me as the reason that he got stranded out there. She fucking hates my mom, too. I have a feeling him coming around is going to reignite some old feelings. This should be fun to deal with." "So...she knows about you?" "Duh. Vassago kinda borrowed her husband to make me." "I hope she doesn't sell you down the river if she gets into it with any of you." "Yeah, me too...change the subject...I'm not digging this conversation." We swam along in dead silence for a good half hour. "I can't think of anything else to talk about." she said. "I'm freezing my ass off. That's the only thing on my mind." I replied. "How much farther?" "Don't start that shit. Fuck, I dunno, an hour? A day? Two weeks? We get there when we get there." I came off as being sharp and condescending. "Are you okay?" she asked. "No." I replied. "I'm not okay, I'm Arioch." "Sounds like that's better than okay." she replied. "Depends on the day." Her silence was a bit troubling. "I didn't mean to piss you off." she said. "I'm not pissed at you, I'm a bit anxious. This whole thing is gonna be great and terrible at the same time, and I don't want anything to get fucked up. Like I said, I couldn't care less about the average demon's opinion of me...I don't even fucking live's about my mom. I don't want her being cast off as being some kind of freak." My feet hit the rocky bottom of the sea. "This is it." I said, looking up at the snow laden island in front of us. "Show time." Kobelle followed me out of the water and shivered a bit. "God it's fucking cold as hell." she said. "I know it is. This place is hostile as fuck." We waded through knee deep snow until we came to where Asmoday lives. Kobelle hid behind me nervously. "What are you afraid of?" I asked. "What if he hates me?" "Then he hates you." I replied. "Asmoday?" I heard the crunching of fresh snow and before too long Asmoday showed himself. He was much stronger and healthier than he was the last time I saw him. He looked at me and smiled. "Holy shit, you two are like identical twins." "I know." I replied. We shared a quick embrace. "How have you been?" he asked. "That's a loaded question." I replied. He looked at Kobelle. "Girlfriend?" he asked. She blushed deeply. "Yeah in her dreams. Dad...this is Kobelle." He slugged me. "Be nice to girls." he said. "Yeah. Be nice to me." Kobelle said, tauntingly. I gave her a death glare. I turned my attention back to Asmoday. "You have powers again." I said. "I know...but, how did you know?" "I got them back for you, it's a long story. I'll tell it to you later. Look, come back with us. I got them back for you so you wouldn't have to live out here." He looked sad. "I can't." he replied. "Why?" I asked. "I made a deal to stay here." "I threw that deal out. It's okay for you to leave. You're a full fledged demon again." "Believe me, I know. I haven't felt this great in thousands of years...but going back would be nothing but problems for everyone." "Why?" He sighed. "I just don't think I could get used to living with others again. I want to go, but I don't think it's a good idea." I scowled. "We want you back." I said. He looked at me. "I'll have to consider it." he replied. "I'm not leaving without you." I said. Kobelle jabbed me with her elbow. I glared at her again. "Don't do that to yourself, and don't  do that to you pretty lady friend, either." he winked at her. Oh fuck, we really are related. "I've made up my mind. If Kobelle wants to leave, she can...but I'm not going anywhere." He put his hand to his face. "Damn're as stubborn as your mother. Fine. Let me think about it. I'll let you know in the morning." "Fine, but if you choose to stay, you and I are going to be spending an awful lot of time together, because I'm not leaving." He shook his head. "You are your mother's son. Make yourselves at home. It's cold as hell out here..." Kobelle stared at me as he walked off. "You wanted to come out here." I said. "I didn't want to stay forever." "Ah, you won't...but I might have to." "I'm not leaving you here." she said. "Look...we'll know what's happening tomorrow. For now, let's just enjoy the scenery...from indoors. I can't feel my...anything." "Wanna snuggle?" she asked. "Maybe." I replied. She pushed me into the snow. "Not a good answer." "Fine." I said, shaking the snow off of my glasses. "After I dry off."

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