10 years

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Goodmorning ladies, gentlemen, maam.. glad you could hear this. If you ask me what will my life be in the next decade? Well, I need to tell a story about that... Once I was a young lad, my dad told me to make friends or I'll be lonely. It was an enormous world back then, back when I was young and didn't know nothing... he told me to follow his path, but I despise that path. Years went on and I slowly realize what my dad was pointing... I was confident enough to say that I'm an engineer.. child clichés.. back then school was easy... years went on and it started going down... school became harder, friends became strangers and life went hopeless.. family was there for support.. finally here I am speaking in front of your bare-naked eyes, showing my struggles and tears. Moving into the future, I'm confident enough to say that I'm walking up that stage, hardwork will finally pay off. Achieving my first phase of success. I'll go up to 11th grade.. and I'll finish what I started. From this point I don't know how will my fate set... but let me dream.. I'll proceed to college with my ehem, mylabs.. We'll go through extreme responsibility from that point... study there, report here, exams there, thesis here.. it'll be an interesting part of my life.. in fact, great struggles comes great success but here don't take my word for it, instead take dad's words.. who said and I quote "great struggles comes great success". Schoolmates, I'm confident enough that in the next following years... I'll have this 'success'. I'll be an Engineer one day.. paying my debt to my parents, to their great perseverance and great sacrifice... I'll remember what my dad did to me and I'll return that deed to my kids.. I'll be one helluva dad.. pushing maam's limits.. shall we go 20 years from now? I'll assure to you that I'll be one happy engineer, a joyful dad and a thankful son. I appriciate your time hearing this... have a nice day.

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