When he came back from the school he got Adam, who had fallen asleep in the car on the way over, to his bed and went to his home office to sort at least few things. The new woman who would come for the job should arrive after an hour. He was nervous for a bit although the hiring new nannies could be his new sport already. It seemed to repeat again and again. He didn't want to spend his life like that.

Paula sighed and checked herself in the mirror for the last time. Then she left her sister's flat and went to the station of public transport. She checked the address of the house where she was headed to again. It was in a rich part of the city and pretty far from the bus station. But what could she do when she didn't have a car? She was thinking about the family who lived in that house. They were rich. It was obvious when they lived in that part of the city. Most of her previous employers were rich. But none of them lived in that part of the city.

She frowned. She didn't have good experiences with rich people. There were many students from very rich families in the Dancing Academy where she had studied. And the richer they were, the more arrogant they also were. They didn't do much for school, they weren't as talented as they should be to study there, but their parents had money. Those people thought that they were something more. They were contemptuous of people like Paula. They didn't understand that someone had to work to be able to study, live or eat. It was like another universe for them. But Paula learned how to handle them. Or rather how to ignore them. She would be able to manage Simon Cowell and his family as well.

After one hour and a half spent in public transport and thirty minutes of walking she finally stood in front of the Cowell's house. She gasped. It was enormous. She had never worked in such a big house. She was nervous and her nervousness continued to rise.

"You can do it, Paula," Paula told herself and pressed the bell.

"Yes?" She heard a man's voice from the gate intercom.

"Uh...Hi... I'm Paula Abdul. The agency sent me to apply for a job here," she said.

"Sure. Come in, please," the voice said.

Then the gate slowly opened and she walked thought. The driveway was quite long so it took her another five minutes to reach the front door. She took few deep breaths and pressed the door bell.

After a while the doors opened, "Hi, I'm Simon Cowell," Simon said and extended his hand for her to shake it.

"Hi, I'm Paula Abdul," she said while shaking with his hand.

Simon looked at her closely. He noticed how young she looked. She was tiny like a child and her long curly brown hair was falling down her back. She had big brown eyes. Simon had to admit that she was really beautiful. And it had been long time since he thought that about any woman. Truth to be said, he didn't have time for women lately.

"Where is your car?" he asked all of sudden.

"Uhm... I don't have a car," Paula said.

"How did you get here then?" Simon asked puzzled.

"By a bus," Paula offered, Rich people, she sighed in her head. She didn't wonder that they didn't know that there was something like public transport.

"But the station is really far away from here," Simon wondered.

"I know, trust me." Paula rolled her eyes, Okay; he knows about it something, she thought.

"Uhm... I asked for someone old enough to have a driving license at least," Simon groaned.

"Well... I have a driving license," Paula offered and raised her eyebrows.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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