Edwerd + Jackob + Fite + Mady = omg nooooo!??!

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OMG i thot as I looks at the alarm click, I no I am late for school again and my mum will mangul me if I don'nt get a a+ in boiligy this year.

Well in case your wondering no I dont'nt have a footbal play r boyfrend but I am pretty heres what, I look lyke: Well I'm 5 and a haff ft tall and I hav blond hare I'm a modle incase u where wonderin. My freinds all complimint me on my hate but I just laff at the cuz they rnt as prety as me.

Ok sence my alarm clock rang I havnt even mooved cuz I h8 scholl!!! I don't car if my mum makes me go ther evryday cuz I can always dich.

So I got up took shower went downstares and put my byutiful wet hare in high ponytale cuz I no my boyfrend licks it. It shimmereded in the brite sunlite as I walks down the sidewak. I don't lik to be notised when I dich skoll so I deside to put on my black hoody and convers shoose. So I thot y not be emo for just won day?? Cuz bein emo u get 2 be sad and not notised and u get cooll scarsss!!!!!!! So onse I put on my hoddy I desided to go too the mal and hung out their all day cuz my freinds r to ugly too shop theirr!!! lol!! So I walkd back too my car and hid under the seet for awile. Omg and wen I was hidin I herd this gient screem and then the windsheeld shatterded and I screened to. Then theirr was a evil kackle and I saw a gorgis man eeting a slurpy and it was red he spilled it on my windsheeld and was triing to wipee it of by he brok it. His gerlfrend sed 'srry edwerd don't no is one strength' omg??? I sed r u that faymous vampir named edwerd????? Haha yah he said but no pics pls! Then his gerfreind playfuly slapedd him and I thot he was gonna bit her neckk!!!!! But he just lafed and looked as gorjuos as ever... Then he terned to me and sed isablla come with me and maddy to the mal! Then I relized I'M BELLA! Lol I thot this is altrnit relaity so I get to be with edwerd in end this is rllllly kewl!!!!!!111

Then I relizd something bad? I don lik vampirs! Omgomgomgomg but what about my fait I should, definitly bee with edwerd: BUT THEN I got engry cuz he old man and I young gerll? I triid to stake him like in mooveeis but... So I startd to sobb rite their and edwerd looked at me funnyly!!? so I sed STOP LOKING AT MEE!! And started too cries more. BUT HOW CAN I BEE W/ U IF I'M JUST A GURL??!!?!!?!! but then edwerd did the nonthinkble...he acully LAFFED AT me!!! Y R U BEIN MEEN TO ME EDWERD?? I'm not you're boyfreind! U no that!! I'm maddys! Oh...

And I got rlly sad. Maddie sed 'dont'nt bee unhapply we r ur frends rlly it is our duttie too protecct yuu from the warewolveres that live next 2 u'

Omg now warewolveres are reel to? So i sed 'ok but I want 1st I need new pink skert'

Edwed was xcited "lol I thot u wer emo?!'

And I was lik no way that just act??! So we wento the mall just lik they siad and bott a rLyyy cute skirt from frvor XXi. edwerd was drolling over me the hole time and maddy slaped him again this time it wasn t funny.. So afterthat we walkds thru the mall and bout edwerd acute sports jackit and he lookked soooo hott that mady slapped me to. WHYD U DO THAT? I yeled she sed U TRYING TO STEEL BF?

No no he just hot hot hot and fait says we r togthr 4evr and steph miers says so to.


I said But he don't rly love u rite eddie hunee?

Then Edwerd nodded simpatheticlly and told maddyy to go away. She was cryin but I didn't care.

Then I was lyke HAY LOOCK ITS JACOB SUP CUTTIE! WAIT BUT HE'S AN WAREWOLFW! OH NO! Save me maddy n edwerd! Sorry no maddy sed u steeled my bf so now u fase the consiquenses! As she smurked and left but edwerd will save merite? RIGHT?! Sorry u made my ex cry but I still luv her so that's uncool MADDY he screemed and ran towrd her.

Plz don't hurt me Jake! I I loVE U! And he was all lik I ned a shrt and I <3 u moar then that freek pail leech does. If he didn't go away then I mite eat you cuz I can't wach u suffre at his mersey. He could BITE you bells that bad!!!!

And I sed I lov you both I cant'nt chose.

Then edwerd cam back and he smeelld rlly good and the warewolveres 8 maddy?! NOOOO MADDY HUNNY I ALWAY LUVD U THE MOST. edwerd screemed. HALP SOME ONE!! JACOB Y DID U EAT HER?!?? Idk she was prety clingy rite? U txtd me last nite conplanin about it. WELL I DIDN'T WANT U TOO EEAT HER!!!?! Oh no this coud get vilent so I backed away slowly. THEN ther was niose like thundercrrack and I realised Edwerd had hit Jackob. Oh no I sed vilence is not the answer!

Be kwiet Jackob screened oooh no he has liter! Then edwerd sed bellas right we, should tak about this.

NO?! Jackob sed and Edwerd still smells good so I screemd again and the noise was a high ringing,bell. But wate I found out that the sond WAS A FIREMEN CRASHING TO THE BILDING AND THEN WE ALL EXPLODED. But EDWERD wuz invissible so he lived. Than he was soooo hartbrocken that he jumpd of a cliff and sence I'm responsble for it I'm a sad sad angle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2010 ⏰

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