Chapter Two - Letters

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"Eleanor! Come down here!"

I ran down the stairs, eager to see what my parents wanted. I didn't know what I wanted, or what I was expecting. As I walked into the kitchen, the scent of a freshly cooked breakfast wafted toward me.

"That smells amazing, Mum." I told her, taking my seat at the table.

My Dad had a warm smile on his face. "Something's come in the mail for you, El."

I instantly lit up. I knew what that meant.

He handed me a dense envelope with bright green writing on it. I tore it open excitedly.

Dear Ms. Berwyk,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"We sent Hogger out already." Mum said. Hogger was our family owl.

My older sister by two years, Cassandra, came running down the stairs.

"Is my letter here? Did Eleanor get hers?" Cassandra was always talking in a frantic, almost hurried way.

"Yes and yes." My father handed Cassandra her letter, and she tore it open.

My eldest sibling, Timothy, strolled in and picked his letter up. He was a fourth year, and he was, surprisingly, a very compassionate older brother.

Just as Tim was about to go back to his room, my mother stopped him.

"Timothy, will you go fetch Seth? We're going to have a family breakfast this morning."

A couple minutes later, Tim walked in with my younger brother, Seth. He was three years younger than me, and displayed no magical qualities whatsoever. My parents were convinced he still had time, though.

My father said grace, and we dug into the delicious meal. Mum had prepared eggs, toast, and fluffy pancakes, the perfect breakfast.

"You know, El, Harry Potter would be in your year. If he's real." Tim said through a mouthful of eggs.

"Of course he's real, Tim. If he's not, then what happened to You-Know-Who?" My father said. He worked for the Ministry of Magic, and always had a matter about him that said he knew more than he was letting on, especially about magical affairs.

Tim just shrugged, and the conversation headed in a different direction. I was curious. I'd heard many stories about Harry Potter, of how he defeated the worst dark wizard in history single-handedly. Or without using hands at all.


My family finished their meals and went their separate ways. I went outside, to the stables. I grabbed a brush and started detangling Levi, my horse's, mane. Even though I was a witch, there was still some satisfaction in ordinary, Muggle activities.

Seth came outside and started brushing his pony, Magic. Seth was expecting to be a Squib, so he was practicing his horse riding. Even though my parents had talked to him about it, he still thought they would disown him. It was a sad thing for an eight-year-old to be thinking, really.

"Are you going to the school?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I am."

"I don't think I am."

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