"What happened??  Is my dress not okay...?? Or am I looking like a joker that you are smiling" swara asked frowning. 😒😒😒

"Uhh..  Nothing you look good, now let's go we are getting late." Said Sanskar.

They both went downstairs and took blessings from everyone. They both sat in their car and went towards their destination.

At hospital,

They were waiting for their turn in waiting lounge. Swara was rubbing her hands continuously taking deep breath time to time in order to calm herself. Sanskar was keenly observing her.

"Why are you getting nervous swara."

"Don't know Sanskar, I am just getting scared."

"Ufffooo.... Nothing will happen today you are here only for check-up that's it, nothing to worry about, everything will be fine." Sanskar said keeping his hand on her shoulder.

"Hmmmm.... Thank you sanku, I am feeling much better."

Sanskar smiled and held her hand in his. Swara looked at their hands which were interlocked. Her heart was jumping, being in extreme joy.

Soon their name was called and they both went inside the cabin hand in hand.

At doctor's cabin,

"Hello Mr. & Mrs Maheshwari.. Please be seated. "

"Thank you sir. " said Sanskar while swara smiled nervously.

"How are you swara. " doctor asked.

"I am fine doctor. "

"Hmm..... So first I want to ask few questions from you, don't be nervous or afraid , consider me as your older brother and answer me freely. Okay.. " doctor said smiling.

"Hmmm yes doctor. " swara said smiling glancing at Sanskar who nodded his head in assuring manner.

"Great..  So swara,  when is the last time you actually took those pills? "

Swara gulped but remain quiet.

"I told you swara answer me without hesitation. "

"First day after my wedding." Said swara slowly.

"That means....." Doctor was interrupted by Sanskar.

"Almost 1 month back... "

"Hmm,  how many??"

"I. ...I guess five to six... " swara said in whisper.

Sanskar eyes widened in shock. While doctor took a deep breath shooking his head.

"May I know the reason, that why you took these many at a time?? "

"Woh..  I was having a severe headache and was about to get panic attacks."

"Were you thinking about your disability of being... Ummm... You know what I am talking about. "

"Ummm... Yessss... " swara said closing her eyes painfully.

"Okay...  Since when you are having these panic attacks??" Doctor questioned.

"Since I went to abroad...  5 years back!" Said swara

"Why you didn't got treated there?"

"Because ... I just don't want to see hospital anymore I was soo fed up and also I was very busy there coping up with my studies. "

"Hmm..  Okay,  I guess this question answer session is enough, I am prescribing some medicine for your headache and panic attacks also Mr.  Maheshwari this is 1 blood test which I am giving should be done and show me the reports before visiting next week." Doctor said handing him the prescription paper.

"Okay doctor, thank you soo much.."

"And yes swara try your best not to use those poison anymore."

"Yes doctor.. Thank you... " swara said with a smile.

"No need of thanking, we are here for this only... "

Sanskar and the doctor shake their hands and both exits the cabin.

In car,

There was a pin drop silence in the car. No one was daring to make the conversation and the reason was unknown. 😂😂

"Swara I will go to office directly after leaving you at home. " Sanskar said trying to avoid the awkwardness.

"Hmmm... Okay,  will you not come inside?? "

"No Yaar.. I am having a meeting. " said sanskar.

"Hmm okay.. "

Again silence prevailed between them which Sanskar was hating the most.

"Umm... Swara why am I feeling that there was another reason due to which you ate those pills on that day. "

Swara was startled by his question. She definitely had another reason but the fact is she can't confess it. It will ruin their friendship and she definitely don't want that to happen.

"Uhhh.... Sorry I didn't heard what you said will u repeat.. "

"Swara I was saying that I am feeling that there is another reason due to which you ate those pills that day. " Sanskar said while driving.

"No... No. There was no other reason and... You are just over thinking" Swara said stammering.

"Hmmmm yeh you're right." Sanskar said with a smile.

"Got you swara, there is definitely something you are hiding from me and I have to find this out" Sanskar thought.

"Thank god he didn't ask more questions " thought swara.

Sanskar dropped swara at MM and went to his office.

To be continued.....


I hope you enjoyed it... 

So guys,  Sanskar got to know that sone thing is fishy. Let's see how will he figure out the truth.

Till then take care of yourselves....

Love u guys....😘😘😘

Asslamoalaikun wrwb...

& BYE...

SWASAN FS: MY LIFE PARTNER { √ } Where stories live. Discover now