Her Song

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Disclaimer: The song in this story belongs to NEFFEX, not me. And the picture belong to the creator of the anime, "Little Witch Academia", or whoever made the fan art. No content was purposely stolen and not given full credit to the real owner for. 

It was a normal Saturday night. I was being pulled to one of the clubs at the other side of town by Naruto and the rest of Rookie 9. Not to mention Neji, Tenten, Lee, and my siblings. I usually just stayed at the bar with Neji, Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Shino. It became so much of a regular thing that we actually became pretty good friends. Naruto, Sai, and Lee were dancing all around the club, Kiba and Kankuro was trying to pick up some girls, Choji was by the snack bar(of course), and the girls were doing shots in one of the booths while other men tried to buy them more drinks with the intent to get them drunk and take them home. Little did those boys know, Ino, Sakura, Hinata, and Temari were pros at drinking and it took them forever to get drunk. So their attempts were fruitless. 

I thought I could just drink, listen to the music that rang throughout the club, and exchange a few words with the guys around me. But, that definitely didn't happen. About 10 minutes after I got there, one of the owners of the club came up on stage to make an announcement. 

"As most of you know, we will be moving to another location closer to the middle of Konoha soon. Hopefully in the next week or so." the owner said over the mic. "So, for a big 'kind of going away' party," he put air quotes on 'kind of going away', "we are having a special tonight. Any drink tonight is free! It doesn't matter what it is! It's free!" The owner put up his hands and smiled. His blue t-shirt was showing a bit of his stomach. 

"You know what that means, Shikamaru!" Kiba said, sliding next me to get closer to Shikamaru. Said person sighed and held up his arm to call over the bartender. "5 rounds of shots please." he's said, lazily. "Aw come on Shika!" Kiba whined. The bartender got ready to start the shots and Shikamaru sighed again. "Fine. Make it 10." I turned away from the two and looked towards the stage as a girl walked out to start singing. Her fiery red and orange hair was cut short into a bob that was spiked up at the sides.

I didn't think much of it at the time. I mean, sure, I thought she was attractive. But I had found many girls attractive before. This wasn't an unusual occurrence. The thing that got to me though, was what she did. "Ladies and Gents! Welcome to the stage, Onsei Kashu! She's here to sing us her new single, 'Best of Me'!" the owner exclaimed. The girl, now known as Kashu, smiled at the owner and grabbed the mic as he walked away.

*Start Song*

"I have a dream
That's all I need
I'll make it happen with some work and belief
Know what I want
So ill take it on
I've made mistakes but mistakes make you strong"

She starts walking around the stage and swaying her hips.

"Let's break it down for a minute
I want the crown, Imma gonna get it
You hear me loud girl I'm winning
Yea Charley Sheen would be grinning
These boys know that I'm sinning
And this is just the beginning
I'm closing in the 9th inning
There ain't no point in resisting"

By this point she was off the stage and dancing around the club, the mic still up to her face. She grabbed some of the boys shirts teasingly and smirked at some of the girls who did not look pleased with her flirting with their boyfriends.

"Living life
Like a dream
Live it right
That's the theme
Every night
Got a team
Mobbing tight
To the scene
Out on stage
Hear 'em scream
This the dream
And I prayed
As a teen
One day
It'd be me"

Her Song (Gaara x Singer!OC) OneshotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora