"So have you been transferred to any other school before? I asked Ronan .

"Nope " he said popping the ' P'
" I just came back from San Francisco besides I will be heading back in two months " Ronan said .

"Well that's nice ..." I replied.

"So who you staying with ? He asked .

"My dad ...my mom is late " I replied.

"Oh !..my condolence" he said and I smiled .

"Thanks ,I've gotten over it already,what about you ? I asked .

"Well my parents are there at San Francisco, i'm staying with my aunt " he replied.

"Oh I see " I replied.

"So your the only child or ....? He asked .

"Yeah ,you ? I asked .

"I have an older brother, and a younger sister " he replied.

I felt a bit of jealousy,how I wish I had older and younger ones too .

"Are you okay Babianca? He asked .

"Yeah of course" I said .

"You mistakenly rubbed your side nose with the mustache" he said and I try to reach it .

He took the napkin and reach forward to clean it ,God I don't want anyone to see this .

"You sure look like one of my bears" he commented and we both laughed .

"Your not serious" I playfully hit his arm .

"But your beautiful really " he said winking me .

I laughed more .
"Thanks ...your looking handsome too tho " I replied.

"Of course,my good looks should be always appreciated" he smirked and I shook my head as we both laughed .

Ronan is really a cool guy and friendly ,not like Timmy talking about them I've not seen them yet turning side ways my eyes caught Timmy with his friends he was looking at me angrily but way I drew my brows together in confusion, what's he furious about?

Timmy's p.o.v

I was at the school restaurant with my friends chatting when my eyes caught Babianca and that fuckin new guy Ronan they were both laughing soon they ordered food and sat down .

"Isn't that the new guy with Queen B ? Ken asked .

By now we all are looking at them .

I was so angry how dare that Ronan go close to my girl ?

"Do they know each other before or what ? Josh asked confused.

"I wonder " Bruno said.

My eyes were on them I was so angry ,the guy was Making her laugh and the worst part was when he took the napkin and cleaned side of her mouth or nose and after that she smacked his arm playfully as they both laughed .

What the fuck is going on before my eyes .

I think i'm going to break someones neck soon .

"T...you aint talking? Bruno asked .

I remain silent my eyes still on her then our eyes met and I gave her a hard stare my hand turning into fist ,I could feel my blood boiling,that guy is talking to my girl how dare him .she was still looking at me untill Ronan said something and she turned to face him she laughed AGAIN then Trisha met her ,she shook hands with Ronan and soon the three of them stood and left the restaurant.

"T...talk to us " Bruno shook me .

"That guy ...why is he all over Babianca?" I gritted out angrily.

"Your afraid he will have to taste the cake before you huh?" Ken teased and i glared at him.

"Just shut up, I will have to put that guy in his place,i won't tolerate anyone close to my girl " I said seethed .

"Bro ...you called her your girl ? Since when ? Ken asked surprised.

"Please ken not now , before anyone touch her let me have her in my bed first " I say as my friends just watch me .

"Lets get out of here " I said getting up we all left the restaurant.

The way he used the napkin and cleaned her mouth and with the way she hit her hand on his arm is still playing in my head.

I really don't like this feeling at all.,why do I care if she's with a guy .

Why am I so upset seeing them together,and she looks happy which made my blood boil.


She's mine .

Babianca Williams is only mine .


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