more problems 5

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*Time skip*

It was a few weeks later. You and Jack planed on moving to L.A. in 2 days. Miles and your mom still did not know. You and Jack were closer than ever now. You had been on a lot of dates but that was going to change when you moved to L.A., because he had to manly focus on his music and band.

*Mias P.O.V*

I woke up and walked in the kitchen. Jack and my mom were making breakfast. I looked and saw bacon, eggs, waffles, toast, and juice. I went up to my room to change. Jack walked in. I put on my cloths and sat on my bed to look at Instagram. I laid there for about 5 minutes. Then the smell of all that food hit me. I got up and felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Then Jack ran in. I was crying cause it hurt. "Mia are you ok"?. Yeah Jack. "Have you eaten anything bad in the last day"? No the only thing I have eaten in the last day is a pizza. "remember a couple of weeks ago maybe yo-" you cut him off. Jack no, maybe, yeah, idk go get me a test please. "I'll be right back babe". Jack said trying to calm you down.

*Jacks P.O.V*

I tried to ask Mia if she was pregnant but she cut me off and asked me to go get her a test. I ran to my car and drove to the store. I grabbed it and payed for it a drove back to Mias. I had to hide the test from Miles and Mrs.Callie. I walked calmly to Mias room then once I was in her room I ran to her bathroom. I handed it to her and walked out. It was a 5 minute one so I set a timer on my phone. Mia walked out and sat on her bed. I started the timer and walked over to her. I sat down and she laid her head on my chest and pulled me into a hug.  

She started crying and was getting mixed emotions. "This is all your fault Jack"she yelled at me.(mad) "but you might be a dad and I might be a mom".(happy) "I'm so scared"(scared) " but we won't be able to go out and my mom will be mad".(sad/worried).RINGG RINGG RINGG the timer went off and I looked at her. Mia went into the bathroom and got the test. We looked at each other before looking at the test. I looked at her and a happy look went across her face. I wondered was she happy that she is pregnant or is she happy that she is not it could mean either one.

*Mias P.O.V*

I looked at the test and it was positive. I ran into Jacks arms and  because I did not want mom or Miles to find out. I whispered in his ear Jack your going to be a dad. He looked at me in disbelief so I showed him the test. He kissed me and put his hand on my stomach. We talked about baby names for like an hour or two. We decided for a boy Ethan Robert Avery, for a girl Grayson Rose Avery.  I called Harper to tell her

*This was your convo>

M:Hey Harper I have some exciting news

H:What is it Mia

M:Well um I'm kinda 

H:What Mia tell me NOW'' she practically yelled

M:Um I'm pregnant and its Jacks


M:Yes way

H:How long have you known

M:Like 3 hours

H:OMG have you come up with any names

M:Yes we have decided

H:Ok tell me

M:Boy- Ethan Robert Avery and Girl- Grayson Rose Avery

H:Ok now tell mw why you choses those names other than because there cute

M:We picked these names because Robert is Jacks middle name, Grayson Is mine and Rose is Isla's  that Jacks little sister.

H:OMG who else have you told

M:No one can know


M:Because if anyone finds out then my mom will freak I want to tell her myself

H:Oh ok anything else?



M:Ok me and Jack are moving to L.A



H:Ok well I'm coming over now

M:Ok see you soon😂

H:Love you girl

M:love you Harp

You went downstairs smiling. Miles looked at you and said "why are you two so happy"? We can't smile just cause. Then Harper burst threw the door and pulled you and Jack up to your room.

*Harpers P.OV.*

I got a call from Mia, she told me that she was pregnant and that she was moving to LA. I got my car and drove to Mias house. I ran through the door saw her and Jack. I took them up to Mias  room. I asked her if she was pranking me. "What why would I prank anyone about this" She basically yelled. I helped her and Jack pack there things and write a note to Mias mom. We hung out for the rest of the day. It was getting dark so we said goodbye and Mia said "its not goodbye its see you later we will come back with the baby and visit promise". 


word count:870

sorry its short but I had a football game last night and could not update this was the best I could do hope you like it

the next on will be longer 

Thanks BYE!!!!

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