I don't want you here!

Start from the beginning

Silently he nodded and left.

Hetty watched him go, she knew he was hurting but something was still off with him.

She had hoped that with Kensi away, Deeks would be able to fix whatever was wrong between the rest of the team and him. She had seen the way he had pulled away from the rest of the team, she had seen and talked to Nate Getz after the Sidarov incident. All Nate had told her was that No, Deeks did not have PTSD from the Sidarov incident, he had come through that well and was fit to return to work.

But something was off with him, something that may not have been caused by the Sidarov incident but nonetheless was eating at the young detective.

Deeks walked out to his car…No, not his car his NCIS issued vehicle.

He took the keys and left them on the seat. Then he walked around to the motor pool and over to where his motorbike which Hetty had confiscated stood in the corner. He swung his leg over the bike and reached down and hot-wired the bike.

Revving it up he gave a small smile as he rode away from the mission and away from the pain.

An hour later he was in Bates' office.

"Really? I thought you were happy there?" Bates looked at him confused.

Deeks shrugged, "When have I ever fitted in anywhere?" He asked, "If you can't help me its fine, I'll just transfer somewhere else."

Bates looked at his detective, "Is this why you didn't sign those papers?" he asked, he had known about Hetty's offer for him to leave LAPD and join NCIS.

"Yeah, I was just waiting for it to happen, it's not their fault they are good people…it's just me, I'm not good enough for a team like that." Deeks turned his back to Bates and stared out of the window so he didn't see the anger on his boss' face.

Bates took a deep breath, "I don't have anything for you Deeks, why don't you take a few days off, go home for a while. I will find something for you." He said.

"Yeah." He said flatly. He turned to go putting his hand on the door knob.

"Deeks." Bates said and he turned around.

"You are good enough for them and a damn fine cop." He said honestly.

"Right." Deeks said disbelievingly as he walked through the door and closed it behind him.

Walking into his apartment he realized that Bates was right about one thing. He needed a break, he needed to go home. He laughed, you could hardly call it a normal home, but it was the place he felt at home and wanted.

He put Monty into kennels and packed a bag with basics left his key with a neighbor and left.

Callen and Sam turned up for work the next day and started on their paperwork as Hetty walked into the bullpen, she had an older heavyset, gray haired man with her.

"Gentlemen," She said standing with a new man beside her, "This is Detective Dan Jensen; he is our new LAPD Liaison."

Both men stood up, "Hetty…why, did you reassign Deeks?" Callen asked looking at the older man with worry as to what he was capable of and Sam stood next to him giving him a glare.

Jensen gave a snort, he had been warned by Bates that he wouldn't get a warm reception, but as he had told his boss, if it means young Marty keeping this assignment then it would be worth it.

"No Mr. Callen, I did not reassign Mr. Deeks, Lieutenant Bates did, at Mr. Deeks' request."

"What? NO!" Both men argued,

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