Chapter 1

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The 4 kpop idols gathered around a single phone, staring at the words 'There has been a misunderstanding. My office" that had been printed across the screen by their president. They sat in silence, occasionally looking at eachother with confused expressions.

"Do we go?" YoungBae said, turning to face the eldest, Seunghyun. The others also look to him for the answer. He sits for a moment in silence, resting his head in his hands. "Come on."He says, pushing open the door of the car and stepping out. Daesung looked at Jiyong and sighed, following seunghyun closely. The rest of them piled out of the car, following the eldest through the street and up to the doors of their president's office bulding. The four of them walked in silence inside the building and straight to the lift that was going to carry them to the top floor."He must have been with Seungri when we texted him. He knows our plan." Said Seunghyun, running a hand through his hair and worrying about how angry their President must be. The lift came to a halt as they reached the top floor of the tall building. They were greeted by the sight of YG sitting at his desk, arms crossed as Seungri sat quietly in one of 5 chairs that were lined up infront of him. Jiyong looked at Seungri. He had a feeling that this wasn't an accident as the Maknae wouldn't look at any of them as they walked into the office and sat quietly infront of Hyun-suk. 

"You all know why you're here, I assume?" All five of the boys nodded slowly, refusing to make eye contact. "I understand that this has been a stressful time for you all, however this is disgraceful." They all nodded again. Hyun-suk paused for a while, as if he was waiting for something. "Well? Who is going to apologise for causing such a disturbance?" The boys all looked at each other apart from Seungri but soon each one's eyes landed on the oldest one once again. 

"I apologise on behalf of all of us, we have been immature." Seunghyun said, looking up at their president. The others looked up too and quietly agreed with their Hyung.

"Okay, I have taken the time to clear your schedules for the next 6 weeks so that you have time to adjust and re-think your choices." Hyun-suk said, leaning back in his chair and flicking through some paper that was on his desk. The quiet members nodded quietly, waiting to be told to leave. "Go to your dorm and I will call you up again if any questions come up." They all stood up silently and walked to the lift and making their way to the dorm that they shared.


Big Bang sat around in the main room of their dorm, eating quietly. Seungri stood up and ran a hand through his hair, obviously troubled by something. Youngbae looked up at him with a curious expression. "You okay?" he said. The maknae looked down at the floor and sighed, shaking his head. "Well, what's wrong?" Youngbae urged on. Seungri dragged his hands down his face before letting them drop to his sides.

"I told Hyun-suk about the fact that you guys were going to run away. I needed to gain his respect after all of the mistakes i've been making and this was the only way I could think of. I didn't want you guys to throw away the band." Seungri was blurting out in a panicked tone. He carried on trying to apologize for what he had done until he was stopped by Daesung.

"It's okay Seungri. I forgive you, it would have been immature to leave right now anyway." he said, standing up and putting a hand on the maknae's shoulder. Seunghyun nodded slightly, agreeing with the second youngest. Youngbae stood up as well, comforting Seungri as well however Jiyong sat silently, looking at the wooden floor beneath him. Now everyone was looking at Jiyong, silently waiting for his comfort towards Seungri. All they were given was a cold silence. 

"Jiyong?" Ushered Youngbae. 

"You mean to tell me...that you were the one...who took away our only chance of freedom." Jiyong said in a soft, slightly crazed tone, slowly standing up from his seat and glaring at Seungri. His hands were shaking with anger as he started to walk towards him. 

"Hyung...I-I'm sorry. Forgive me hyung, please." Seungri pleaded, scared of Jiyong's threatening image. Jiyong kept walking towards him, Seungri backed up until his back was flat against a wall. 

"You traitor!" Jiyong shouted, running full speed at Seungri with rage in his eyes. He pinned the maknae against the wall firmly, raising one of his fists infront of his face. "I thought we were brothers!" he shouted. The other members ran, grabbing each of the boys and pulling them from eachother. Jiyong squirmed, trying desperately to break free of Youngbae and Seunghyun's grasp but he failed. Daesung grabbed the maknae and took him into another room, trying to sheild him from Jiyong's rage. 

"I'll never forgive you! Never!" Jiyong shouted as Seungri disappeared from his sight. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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