Chapter 13: Health

Start from the beginning

"I-I guess you're right, Professor Snape. Except, why is my body unhealthy? I take care of my body as much as the other students here," I ask him inside his head after carefully thinking through my memories.

"Your body isn't unhealthy like you don't take care of it. It appears that from looking over your body with spells, by Madam Pomfrey of course, it seems that there could have been a complication at your birth. Most likely you were not supposed to have survived birth," my head of the house informs me and my world drains of all color. Was I really not supposed to have survived being born. How different would life be if I wasn't a part of it? Was I a mistake? A hand on my shoulder stops me from thinking to dark and I turn to look at the owner of the hand.

"Don't think such depressing thoughts, silly girl. If you were a mistake then you wouldn't be here having a happy life," Snape says to me as he pats my shoulder. Without even thinking about it, I throw my arms around his neck and start to silently cry on his shoulder.

"Am I not supposed to be alive, Professor?" I whimper into his mind and he doesn't reply to me. Like I expected, he doesn't hug me back but he awkwardly pats me on the back. After a few seconds, I pull away from him and lean back against the pillow as I feel emotionally drained. Against my will, my eyelids start to slowly close before sleep finally takes over my tired body. The last thing that I hear before I fully fall asleep is my potions teacher saying:

"You are definitely supposed to be alive, silly girl. You might not see it now, but there has to be a reason why you survived," he drawls and I drift off to the land of dreams, where pleasant memories fill my mind.

Two days later, I am finally released from the hospital wing. Taking what the potion master said to heart, I decide to not tell Harry about how I shouldn't have survived birth. In fact, I haven't told anyone about that but I did tell my friends that I have a weaker body than most. Of course they were worried about me but after reassuring them that I'm not going to drop dead or anything, they all calmed down.

The fire is crackling in the fireplace as I am sitting on one of the couches in the Gryffindor commons. Hermione, Harry, Weasel, and I are the only ones up as my brother decides to tell us something important. Apparently, the person that I hit with a stick back in the Forbidden Forest was Voldemort and learning that key piece of information really is making me sick to my stomach. I'm pretty sure that I'm on his death list now.

"So, are you saying that You-Know-Who is out there, right now in the forest?" Hermione says as my brother is pacing right in front of us.

"Yes but he is weak and living on unicorn's blood," my twin says as he takes off his tie. My fear is replaced for with anger at the mention of the unicorns being killed but disappears again when my brother continues to talk, "Don't you see?!? We got it wrong. Snape isn't stealing the stone for himself, he wants it for Voldemort. With the Elixir of Life, he can come back." My brother sighs before plopping down on the armrest. Worry bubbles up at the idea that he might come back and I get up to stand next to my big brother. I place my hand on his shoulder and he gives me a weak smile.

"Do you think that if he comes back...he will kill you?" Ron asks and I tighten my grip on his shoulder. My big brother must have seen how frighten I am by that thought because he pulls me to sit next to him on the arm chair. Unfortunately, there isn't that much room on a arm chair for two people but we are thin enough were we can just make it.

"I think that if he had the opportunity he would have done so that night," my twin says and I whimper slightly at the thought. First, I recently found out that I shouldn't have survived birth and now I learn that my twin almost got killed a few days prior. Harry hugs me as I lean into his side and I try to reassure myself that I have nothing to worry about. I feel a hand rubbing my back and I look up to see that it is Hermione.

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