Background Story: Aaron's Capture...

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What do you want to do today Aaron? Crenshaw asked me lazily.

I looked up and saw Crenshaw lounging on one of the branches of our tree. The dappled pattern from the leaves above were imprinted on his fur, making him look more like a leopard than a panther. I shrugged and told him that I was going to go hunting.

Okay, I'm just going to be here, yowl if you need me. Crenshaw said.

"That's fine, would you like to me to catch you anything special while I'm hunting?" I asked him.

He shook his head in response. I waved goodbye to Crenshaw and morphed into my cat form and jumped down from branch to branch, reaching the ground in no time. I started to run as quickly as my paws could take me. I stopped in a clearing that was well known to me and Crenshaw that was always filled with prey. I check the air for any prey scents and found a rabbit not far from me, just a few feet away. I walked a little until I could see the rabbit, washing its fur underneath a holly bush. I quickly got into a hunting crouch and silently crept over to the rabbit. When I was about to attack, a dart whizzed towards me and clung to my neck. I let out a screech of surprise and morphed back to my human form so I can fight off the drug more easily. Out from the tall grasses, five Organization X soldiers came into view, guns all pointed to me.

"Put your hands on your head and get on the ground now!" One of the soldiers yelled out.

I glared at the soldier who said that and saw him cower a little bit, making me smile at the thought of them being scared of me. When I was about to summon my dual swords, another dart was buried in between my shoulder blades. I twisted around and tried to find the shooter in the forest surrounding the field. Before I could do anything else, another dart was shot into my side. I could feel myself getting heavier and heavier as time ticked by due to the sedatives. Even though I couldn't see well anymore, I could still see the outlines of the soldiers closing in on me. I finally gave into the drug, collapsing onto the ground with a loud thump. In my mind, I could feel Crenshaw worried for me, but I told him not to come after me. I could sense that he was agitated about it but stayed put. My mind went black as I fully took the effects of the sedative.

??? Perspective:

"We've officially captured the Summoner, Sir." Sergeant Woodson said.

I watched with great joy as the Ani Summoner, one that we've been hunting down for three months, was being put into the containment cell. He lay unmoving, clearly under the effects of the multiple sedative darts that was used to bring him down.

"What about his Ani Spirit?" I asked Woodson calmly.

"Unfortunately Sir, the Spirit was not with him at the time." Woodson explained.

"That's not good then, is it?" I said, adding a deadly tone to my voice.

Before Sergeant Woodson could say anything, a yowl echoed across the forest. Yells from the men increased as they rushed to get their weapons ready for an incoming attack. A large blur launched itself out of the forest and began an attack frenzy of claws and teeth. It made its way toward the containment cell and purred. From where I was at, I could see that it was an Ani Spirit. It was a large panther, with two sets of wings on its back. It turned to look at his Summoner and pawed at the cell, not knowing what to do. Once I knew it was off its guard, I grabbed Sergeant Woodson's gun and fired at the Spirit, not caring if the gun was full of tranquilizers or bullets. It let out a yowl and whipped towards me. It came at me at full speed and swiped its claws wildly. I felt the immense pain as one of its claws sunk into my cheek, going in deep. The panther went limp after the tranquilizer took full effect. Soldiers and medics rushed towards me to see if I was alright. Meanwhile, the Spirit was put in a second containment cell, away from its Summoner.

My Ani Spirit {UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin