Never Do That Again - A Klaine One-Shot

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Hey guys! Kasey here.
I'm sitting in the middle of a dentists office waiting room, bored as hell, because my moms appointment was at two thirty, but mine just /had/ to be half an hour to an hour after that.
I've got absolutely nothing to do, so I'm gonna write a thing instead.
Enjoy this product of my boredom!

Kurt sat down on the couch, bored out of his mind. Blaine would be home soon - he should be on his flight now - but until then, he had nothing to do. He glanced around his small, NYC apartment for a moment, then decided he would watch some TV.

Kurt channel surfed for a while. He heard phrases of different shows passing by, each sounding worse than the last. He eventually gave up and settled on the news.

Kurt wasn't even really paying attention (he was just scrolling through Facebook on his phone), until he heard something that almost made his heart stop.
"Flight 273 from Los Angeles to New York City crashed just outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. The amount of survivors is currently unknown, but it's not looking promising. We will update you as soon as possible."

Kurt could've died right then and there. That was the flight Blaine was on.

His mind was racing.
No not Blaine he can't be dead he can't be he can't be he can't be.

Shaking, Kurt picked up his phone and called Blaine.

"Hi, this is Blaine! Leave a message after the beep."
"Hi, this is Blaine! Leave a message after the beep."
"Hi, this is Blaine! Leave a message after the beep."

"No. No, no, no..." Kurt muttered under his breath. "Dammit, Blaine! Pick up the phone!"

Two minutes of attempted calls turned to five, then ten. After about fifteen minutes, Kurt was beginning to lose hope.

Tears filled his eyes, and he threw his phone to the floor. He didn't care if it was broken. He just wanted Blaine.

Kurt fell backwards, and slid down against the wall.
Loud sobs wracked through his body.
He's gone. He's never coming back. I'll never kiss him again. I'll never hold his hand. We'll never buy that stupid dog he wanted, or have any children together. It's over.

He turned towards the wall and hit it with his fists over and over. Anger and grief pulsed through his body. His life had never been easy. Kurt Anderson-Hummel just never seemed to get a break. The whole fucking universe seemed to be against him.
He had lost too many people. His mom, Finn. He didn't think he could handle losing Blaine too.

Kurt slowly made his way to the couch. He felt his anger ebb and a numbness replaced it. Blaine was probably dead. That was too much for him.

Silent tears made their way down Kurt's face as he sat down. He didn't want to think about anything. He didn't want to feel anything.

Sure, it was still possible that Blaine had miraculously survived. They didn't know if there were any survivors yet. Kurt just didn't want to get his hopes up. Every time he let himself feel hopeful, he was let down, and the disappointment would always hit him like a brick. He eventually decided that he might as well expect the worst, because knowing him, the worst would probably happen.

The people on the news droned on and on about things Kurt just didn't care about. This small part of him kept screaming he's alive he's alive he has to be but Kurt wouldn't let himself listen to it. Being hopeful doesn't work for him.

Kurt felt exhausted. Part of him wanted to continue to scream and cry, but he was just too fucking tired. He felt done.

Just as he was beginning to nod off, he heard something that woke him up immediately.
"We have more news about flight 273, the flight that crashed outside of Lincoln, Nebraska earlier today. There were five survivors. They were: Blaine Anderson-Hummel..."

Kurt didn't give a damn who the rest of the people on the list were. Blaine was alive. He was living and breathing.

"The survivors are currently being transported to Bryan Health Medical Center in Lincoln, Nebraska."

Kurt shot up and ran out the door.



Kurt ran into the hospital, quickly looking around for a reception desk. When he saw one, he ran up to the lady behind it.

"Where's Blaine Anderson-Hummel?!"
The lady looked up at him, and she seemed slightly annoyed. "He just got out of surgery."
"I need to see him."
The receptionist stared at her perfectly-manicured nails as she spoke. "Relation?"
Kurt was rapidly becoming irritated with this lady's attitude. "I'm his husband."
"Go up to the third floor and wait in the waiting room. A doctor will tell you hen you can see him."
Kurt quickly muttered something like a thank you and ran to the elevator.


The wait in the waiting room was hell. Every time a doctor would come in, he would think it was for Blaine, but no. It was always someone else.

He had been waiting for an hour and a half when a doctor came in the room and said "Kurt Anderson-Hummel?"

Kurt stood up quickly. "Yes, that's me."

"Blaine is awake. During the crash, he broke his leg and a couple ribs, and he also fractured his arm. We did a minor surgery to fix a punctured lung, but he will be just fine. You may see him now, he's been asking for you. Room 307."

Kurt sighed in relief. Blaine would be okay. He quickly thanked the doctor and made his way to room 307.

When he entered the room, he almost cried. There was Blaine, in a hospital bed, with a bright blue cast on his leg, and a similar one on his arm.

"Oh my God. Blaine."


Kurt ran over to the side of the bed and grabbed Blaine's good hand. There were random cuts up his arm, and on his face. "I can't believe you're okay."

Blaine chuckled slightly, but winced in pain. "Well, here I am."

Kurt looked up, and blue eyes met gold. "Never do that again. You're not leaving my side for the rest of your life, B."

Blaine's eyes flickered down to Kurt's lips, then back to his eyes. He smiled. "I'll try not to. Now, are you going to kiss me, or what?"

Kurt giggled a little and leaned in close to Blaine's face. "I suppose so."

Kurt's lips met Blaine's, and both of them knew that everything was going to be okay.

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