Chapter One.

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"You've never wondered what's out there?" asks Carrie, my only and best friend.

I shrug and continue forcing my eyes, trying to find those white little and shinny things I saw in the sky once, when I was younger. Dad said those things were called stars,but until now I haven't seen one again.

I must admit that Baterry City isn't my favourite place in the world. Not that I've known many places, though. The enormous amount of heat, the dust that sticks to your boots, and the worst of all: acid rain. Something happened in the past, it must have been something really bad, because no one wants to tell me. Mom and dad tend to ignore me when I ask, or change the subject really quickly, and now, after years of begging my parents to tell me and having no result, I've given up on knowing.

Carrie and I are in the borders of the city, a few miles away from the nearest Drac, she with the curly back messy hair and a cigarett between her fingers, while I lay in the middle of the road, looking for stars.

"You have no curiosity?" she insisits.

I sigh "Actually, I do. I have curiosity to know whatever's out there, but we cannot have curiosity, Car." I remind her.


The road is empty and dark, only a few lights let us see each other. She's really pretty, not that it matters nowadays, but I guess that if we were in another time, her beauty would be apreciated a lot. She's really tall and thin, her hair contrasts with her pallid skin and bright blue gigantic eyes. She's also really clever and agile. All the things I'm not.

Comming out of nowhere, two patrols cross the street in a hurry, faster than the allowed, and the sirens, that usually only appear whenever acid rain approaches, start to sound making my ears hurt.

"We have to go!" I scream over the sound.

Carrie nods and we stand up and start to run toward our houses, if you can call where we live a house. The way starts to get crowded by Dracs, holding guns and pointing at people. But not average people, these guys have colored hair and hold ray guns too, something an average citizen is not allowed to. The colored hair guys shoot at the Dracs. Carrie and I freeze while watching the scene.

Carrie reacts, and pulls me toward the nearest wall, where we hide until we stop hearing the shoots. Her breath mixes with mine, our heartbeats rumbles against our chests. We stare at each other until the street seems emtpy. The sirens stopped, and all the lights are off.

We nod and carefully get out of our improvised stash. The street is not empty. But it is safe, I think. Five Dracs lie down covered in what seems blood. Their guns in the floor. There won't be long until other patrols...

"What are you doing?!" I ask alarmed.

Carrie runs toward the bodies and takes the ray-guns from the floor.


She doesn't answer, and takes two of the guns before another patrol appears in the distance. This time, a powerful light that lies on Carrie.


'Carrie!" I whisper/scream.

She stands in the middle, with the ray-guns in her hands. She seems ready to attack.

Without thinking it twice, I hide behind another wall and look the scene. I blame myself for not helping my friend, I blame myself for not stopping her when I had the time. And, against my will, and against everything my parents warned me about, I run toward her.

I take her hand and cover my face the best I can with my hair. But, she doesn't run with me when I pull her, instead she hands me a ray-gun and with the other hand, she shoots at the SCARECROW in the car. He falls, and the horrible sound of the sirens and cars surround us.

"Leave!" She screams.

"No! Not without..."

"Leave!" She pushes me and gives me a leave-or-I'll-kill-you look.

My mind is crowded with guilt when I stop to catch my breath, a street away from my house. My hand hurts and I throw the ray-gun I forgot I was holding.

Carrie, my friend, the one girl I could trust was now... dead? Captive? Being tortured by Korse? So many theories come to my mind and I start to cry. A good friend doesn't leave like that. Damnit! Now they will come for me, or my parents!

My sobds turned into a scream of frustation. My parents... They will kill us all, we will be acused of betrayal!

When I turn to run toward my house, something inside my brain turns on. SCARECROW patrols. They are in front of my house. They are taking my parents. Even my cat! I can't run, I can't hide. Dracs and SCARECROWS approach me and surround me in a second.

I will die.

For sure.

Hello to whoever is reading this! This is my first fic, hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think of it. I don't care if your opinions are good of bad. I must add that English isn't my first language, so there could be some grammar mistakes, SORRY in advance.

I really REALLY hope you enjoy reading this, inspired in the album Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, from My Chemical Romance, my favourite band.

Danger Days: The True Life Of That Fabulous Killjoy.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ