Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.


"Aazim." I looked up from my book and smile when I saw Mom standing at my room door. I sit up and saw as she enter in and close the door behind her. "How are you?"

"I am good. Is everything okay? You look like you are nervous." She looks down and nodded slowly. I frowned at her. 

"I have to tell you about something." I nodded and waited for her to continue. 

"Jameelah wants you to marry her daughter." I freeze and look at Mom silently begging this is not true. I haven't told my Mom about Sana yet, only Zaina Bhabhi know about it, but she didn't want me to go after Sana seriously because she thinks that something is off with her and I know that is not true. 

"I can't do it." I told Mom firmly. She looks at me confused and raise her eyebrow at me.

"Why?" She asked. I swallow nervously and look away. If I didn't tell her now then maybe I wouldn't tell her anytime soon. 

"I love someone else." I look at her and saw her looking at me with wide eyes. I saw as she stood up and walk out. I know she is upset, but she wouldn't reject my choice. I just have to wait and see what Mom will do.


"I am nervous." I sigh and stood up from my seat and went toward her. I stand behind her and look at her in the mirror with a smile. 

"Don't worry. Mom is very polite and friendly. She will like you." I told her confidently. She looks at me for a minute and nodded slowly. She takes a few deep breaths and turned around to face me. 

"How much time is left?" I look at my watch and saw it was 6 pm. 

"About an hour. Hadi Bhai says he will bring her here. I have to head out, but I will be here after an hour and half. Take some time to relax." I told her and walk out with her following me. I open door and walk out after giving her a smile. I press the button and wait for the elevator to come. When it was open, I was about to get in but freeze when I saw Mom standing there with Hadi Bhai and his wife. I look at Mom with wide eyes, but she keeps her face blank.

"What are you doing here?" Mom asked me as they step out of the elevator. I swallow and look at Hadi Bhai but he just gives me a glare.

"N-nothing." I started it out making shefrowned. She shakes her head at me and ask Zaina Bhabhi about the apartment. I saw as they walk toward the door and knock twice. 

"What are you guys doing here earlier?" I asked my brother quietly. He sighs and shrugged. 

"Mom wants to go without informing to see how she lives and make arrangements." We saw as Sana open door and look at Mom surprised before letting her come in. She looks at us and leave the door half open for us.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" He glared at me and smack the back of my head. 

"Check your phone. I called you many times and sent messages." He says and went inside. I pulled out my phone and saw he was saying right. He did call me and message me. 

I close my eyes after putting my phone back and prayed in my heart that Mom will like her and agreed on our relationship.


"Sana!" I yelled and soon heard footsteps rushing upstairs. I smirked when I saw her entering in our room hurriedly. She frowned and stop on her steps when she saw me. 

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