Chapter 1

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I sat at my vanity, brushing my now straight hair. On my bed sat three of six of my best friends; Alyssa, Jack, who by the way is also Alyssa's boyfriend, and Zach. We planned on meeting the rest at school when we arrived. "Cali if you don't hurry i promise you i will throw you in that car myself." Zach joked. "Shut up, we still have 15 minutes." I replied, reapplying a little lip gloss. The rest of my makeup was done. Alyssa grabbed some perfume off my desk and sprayed onto her and then me as the boys sat on their phones.

The boys grabbed some granola bars and water from my pantry and then we got in the car. Jack drove while Alyssa sat passenger, his hand on her thigh as she scrolled through Instagram. I sat in the back with Zach. He bet me he could make me laugh just by looking at me, me being me denied this knowing he could. We stared at each other and i instantly started laughing. "Exactly, told you." he laughed. I rolled my eyes and gave him a dollar. 

You see, In our friend group, when we do bets we actually pay up. If we don't have the money at the time, we keep tabs of it OR if the person winning the bet is feeling kind, they'll let it slide. Thing is with Zach, he never lets it slide. "Damn, you really suck." he laughed. "Shut it." i retorted, smiling. 

We arrived to school and i got out. I immediately see Corbyn and Christina and smile and wave. Daniel, being the sweetheart he is, ran and gave me a hug. "I missed you so much!" He exclaimed. Daniel, Alyssa, and I have been close since preschool, he's actually the reason we know the rest of the guys.  Daniel has been gone for two weeks visiting family. Probably the longest us three have been apart. "No its fine, pay me in dust." Alyssa spoke up. Daniel laughed and hugged her and she smiled. Corbyn and i did our stupid little handshake we've done since 8th grade, and then i gave Christina a hug. 

I then spot Jonah leaning on his car and he smiled slightly and opened his arms. I walked over and gave him a hug. "How you doin?" i asked, my cheek pressed against his jacket. He rubbed my back and sighed. "Im doing better." i smiled and pulled out of the hug. "good." Jonah hasn't been at school for a few days because his girlfriend recently broke up with him, and he was devastated. She was his first love, and seeing him cry broke my heart. 

We all walked into school and parted ways. Jonah and I shared a first hour, as well as his now ex.  We first went to our lockers and talked for a bit. When we walked into the classroom, Amelia, his ex, was already sat down. I told him to sit next to me rather than his regular seat by her. He nodded and did as told, avoiding eye contact with her. 

She kept staring, which pissed me off enough. But then she gave me a dirty look.. fuck no. One thing you'll learn about me is i do not take things lightly, and i get annoyed very easily and i will make it known. "Okay, we are NOT doing this." i stood. Jonah grabbed my arm and tried to sit me down. "Doing what." She said as she smacked her gum, continuing her dirty look. "You're not going to sit there and give me OR Jonah dirty looks bitch. You're the one who broke up with him, don't be immature about it." I barked. She smirked. "Who gave anyone a dirty look? I want us all to be friends still." she said with attitude. i shook my head. 

"Not after what you did to Jonah, are you fucking stupid?" i kinda shouted. She furrowed her eyebrows and turned around in her seat, facing the front. Jonah continued to look down, tears in his eyes and embarrassed. I apologized to him. "Its fine.." he kept repeating. Class started and he was quiet. I wish i knew how to keep my damn mouth shut.


okay so the first few chapters are gonna suck but once this gets started i promise itll make more sense and ill sound less stupid . Thanks for reading!!

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