Chapter 2

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Several years had passed. Suddenly, I heard a crash in the lab where Grimoire and Lucrecia were working. Hojo sent me to go find out what had happened. I ran down the stairs and saw the darkness of the cave! THEY HAD TAKEN IT! I was enraged but I saw that Grimoire was hurt. I ran to him and Lucrecia was crying. I knew he wouldn't survive. It would ravage his body. I screamed with grief. Lucrecia looked at me. "I'm so sorry... We didn't listen... I'm so very sorry Diana!" Lucrecia cried. My body was shaking. 

(I found this it was like lol XD)

I screamed again and Grimoire faded into the Lifestream

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I screamed again and Grimoire faded into the Lifestream. I clenched my fists in anger. "You people don't listen! And things like this happen!" I growled, "people get killed! I HATE YOU! IT'S YOUR FAULT HE'S DEAD!" Lucrecia knew I didn't mean what I said and I didn't. I looked at her. She saw my tears and she ran to me. She hugged me. I let her and we stayed there for a while. I went up to the room Hojo had been in. He was still there. "Lucrecia... Grimoire's dead. Lucrecia... I think... If you bend her will... You can get what you want. Not saying I agree with it at all. I'm just saying that." I said. Hojo smiled at me and I knew the child was going to be experimented on. I hated the thought of it, but... I had agreed to help him. I had promised to be his assistant after all. 

"Isn't this wonderful Diana? And soon a bodyguard will be assigned to Lucrecia. You are to be on your best behavior when he arrives. Which may be in a few years." Hojo said with that grin that I hated. I knew something was up whenever he smiled like that. I sighed and we went back to work.

~~~~ 4 years later~~~~

We were waiting in the room. Suddenly, a Turk entered the room. "I am here," He said his voice deep and beautiful, "Vincent Valentine at your service." I gasped and stumbled backwards. Hojo grabbed my arm and steadied me. Lucrecia looked like she just took a dagger to the abdomen. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No, not at all," Lucrecia lied, "Diana is just easily shocked. She must have not heard you enter." I nodded hastily. I took a deep breath and then sighed. I stood up straight.

"Are you Lucrecia?" Vincent asked her. She faked a smile and nodded. I looked at her and Hojo let go of my arm. He then looked at me. "You must be Diana then," Vincent said, "and the man is Hojo." I nodded and faked a smile as well. Lucrecia looked somewhat okay now. I sighed and looked away. I couldn't believe this. It hurt a lot, but not as much as it probably hurts Lucrecia. "It is nice to meet you all. I hope to be of service." Vincent said stiffly. I nodded and followed Hojo out of the room. He looked at me as I passed by him.  I looked at him and smiled then ran after Hojo, who had gotten ahead by a bit.

"Diana... Where shall we start?" Hojo asked, "oh right, you don't know what we are doing. Well we have found a monster that we've never seen before. I want to find out about it. You should know where to start. At least I hope." We weren't aware that Lucrecia and Vincent were following us. They were listening in on our conversation.

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