Destruction brought us together

Start bij het begin

I swung the doors open and ran towards an apartment building nearby.

The hurricane looked like it was a kilometre away from me, so I've got time to get help for my arm.

I ran with my hand on my arm, trying to stop it from bleeding.

A guy in a suit was going to his car, so I had to get help from him

"Hey! You! In the suit! Help!" I yelled.

Immediately, he spun around to face me, and he started running towards me at the sight of my arm.

"Oh my gosh, sure you ok? We have to get to a hospital!" He yelled, but he got pulled in by the hurricane.

I ran to my bike and rode as fast as I could with one hand, but I failed and fell to the ground.

That's when I blacked out.

Oh no, my dad is in that apartment.

Two hours later...

I woke up in a strange room, and no. It isn't a hospital.

I looked at my arm. It was covered with a bandage.

Getting up, I saw a person that looked dead, or asleep, so I stepped over him.

Walking out of the half demolished building, I looked closely at it. I saw my dad's best friends apartment, it was wrecked. So much.

Then I saw a familiar face.

"Mitch! Can you help me find my daddy, please?" I pleaded.

He was with his friend. He had an oddly large nose.

Mitch looked at him.

"I don't know," he looked down.

"Please Mitch. I want to see if he is ok," I started crying.

"Fine, but you owe me some cookies, I know you could make them," he pointed at me.

"Ok, come on."

"Wait! What happened to your arm?" He called.

"A stick went all the way through it. It flew into my arm and it was pretty sharp." I explained, grabbing his arm and pulling him in.

"What floor?" He asked.

"Number 9"

"Hey! That's where I live!" The guy with the oddly large nose said.

"What room?"


"Your dad is my dad's best friend?!" He shouted.

I shrugged.

"Oh, sorry Vicky. This is Jerome, I met him at school,"

"He is in my class too, but I don't socialise much,"

"I never saw you."

"Let's just go, we've got a more serious problem to deal with," I headed onto the stairs.

They both nodded and followed behind me.

Then Jerome pulled up beside me.

"Hey, Vicky. Mitch likes you," Jerome smirked.

"Whatever, I don't care. I have to find my dad." I threw the door open.

The window was broken and I saw my dads body about to fall off.

"Dad!" I ran to get him away from the edge.

But it was to late, he fell off.

I fell to my knees and cried my head off.

Hands were felt on my shoulders.

I don't care who it is, I need someone to cry on.

I stood and and hugged him, crying into his shirt.

"It's ok Vicky, he's in a better place now," It seemed to be Mitch.

I saw fingers holding onto the edge of the window pane.

I held onto the edges and looked to see who it was.


"Guys! My dad is still alive, help me pull him up!" I shouted as my dad looked up at me.

Jerome and Mitch helped me pull Dad up and as soon as they did, they fell onto their butts and panted.

My dad isn't that heavy!

Ok, maybe he is.

I hugged my dad as hard as I could.

"I thought you were dead," I cried for joy.

"I thought I was too" he hugged me harder.

"What happened to your arm?" He asked, pointing to it.

Oh, not this question again.

"Something got poked through it," I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just go home. Do you boys need a ride?"

"Yes, thanks." Jerome smiled at him.

We headed underground to the carpark to the car.

The black holden captiva.

Luckily, it wasn't damaged at all.

Well obviously.

I hopped in the middle and Mitch was on my left.

Jerome was in the front.

I scooted over to give Mitch more space.

He gave me a 'thankyou' look and opened the tinted window.

Dad put the music on full blast.

This is the perfect time to tell Mitch that I liked him too.

I tapped his shoulder and he looked at me with a blank look.

"Mitch, you know how Jerome told me that you like me," I looked down.

"He told you that?"

"Yes. I like you too." I blushed.

He blushed too.

"Can you kiss me? I will be your best friend?" He whined

"Ok, best friend," I nudged him, kissing his lips.

"Thank you my new best friend," he smirked.

I think I love him.

We arrived at home, it was fine. Luckily the hurricane only went through the city, not through the neighbourhoods.

Jumping out of it, I ran inside, with Mitch running after me.

He caught me and bear hugged me

"yes?" I giggled.

"I want a proper hug" he said like a  5 year old.

i groaned and i bear hugged him back.

That's my Mitch for you.

we walked inside my house together and I headed upstairs to my room.


Heya guys! It's me again. so that was the first chapter. I'm going to. ..Uh. .. go now...

next chapter will be 9 years Lata and it will be to do with this that's a lot right. 

ok. see ya guys Lata

lianamcluckie xoxo

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