"I had to comeback, I am so behind my classes," I tell him as I took my book out from my backpack.

"How's Harry? Is he back to Nashville yet?" He asks again.

I haven't mention to Zayn that Harry quit the band.

Taking a deep a breath, "He isn't coming back, he quit the band," I tell Zayn.

Zayn's eyes widened. He looked super surprise. Who isn't? Who in the right is to turn down a one in a million chance opportunity of making your dream come true right?


"Because of me," I replied. "Because I was so stupid that I collapsed in a supermarket and that made him super worried about me."

He gave me two consecutive slight nods, then his expression went blank. It's hard to tell what he's thinking.

"You don't need to work hard on school then," he says after a while. This time his voice a little angry.

"I still need to though, if I want to graduate," I replied, shrugging off his sudden change of mood.

"But isn't it the only reason why you wanted to bounce back to your classes is because you are following Harry in Nashville?" He says, "Now that he's back for good you don't have to try so hard, as far as I can see, your life is complete as long as Harry is around, regardless if you hold a degree or not," he added.

His choice of words irritates me but I decided to not say something about it. Knowing Zayn, he isn't judgmental. In fact he is the most understanding person I know. Maybe, something happened to him that I wasn't aware about.

I kept my mouth shut until the time that the class started. After two hours of lecture the class ended and Zayn and I went to our next class in silence.

When the bell rang for lunch time, we both went to the coffee shop to get us something to drink. Again, we walked in silence.

"Is everything alright Zayn?" I asked as we were waiting for our coffees. "Did something happen over the last couple of days?"

He took a deep breath and his expression soften. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to burst on you like that, I'm just a little pissed, that's all," he explained.

I was right, something happened. Zayn isn't the kind of person whose mood suddenly changes without a valid reason.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, trying to be his friend. For the past couple of months that I've known him. He is the one who always gives me help, now it's my turn.

"It's about Gigi," he says and I listened. "Her mother called me up last week, she paid Gigi a surprised visit at her dorm and she has bruises on her face," he tells me as he took a deep breath. "Her mom begged her to tell her the truth and she found out that Gigi's boyfriend beats the shit out of her whenever he gets drunk."

My mouth formed into an O shape. Wow! That guy is awful.

"I'm sorry Zayn," I tell him. He's hurting, I can clearly see that. Zayn is still in love with his ex-girlfriend. And it hurts him to know that the girl he loved is suffering with the guy she left him with.

"I don't get it," he says. "Like how could she stay with him? Never once that I laid my hand on her, regardless how bad our fight is," his voice is hurting.

Placing my hand over his hand that was lying on the table he held it and squeezed it a little.

"One day, Gigi will realize that she was an idiot for leaving a great guy like you," I tell him. "Sometimes, us girls gets to be blinded by the romance and the fear of being alone, like we tend to hold on to things, even though it hurts us, we are sentimental remember?"

He nodded. "Yeah, yeah," he smiles.

"I just hope she realized it before you fall in love with someone else," I tell him.

He replied to me with a simple smile.

My classes ended at exactly 3 o'clock and Harry is already in the parking area leaning on the hood of his car. I walked towards him and he was all smiles when he sees me. Despite of the bunch of people who were in the parking area. He still pulled me towards him and crashes his lips into mine.

"I've missed you," he whispered to my ear, which sends me tingles down my spine.

He was wearing a black and white checkered button down shirt, of course he had a couple of buttons undone, his usual black jeans and Chelsea boots. This time he had his hair down. I can't wait to run my fingers through his soft curls.

"Me too," I said. "Did you book your ticket, already?" I asked, trying my luck that he changed his mind and decided to return to Nashville to pursue his music.

He pulled me towards him and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Don't push it, I told you I am not coming back there," he says.

I took a deep breath and kept my protest within me. Ruining his mood by forcing him to go back to Nashville is the last thing I want.

"Let me but you some food, your taking your meds in an hour," he says.


He opened the passenger door for me and I gladly climbed inside the car. When he gets inside he started the engine and drove downtown Beverly Hills. Harry stopped in front of our favorite restaurant. The last time we were here was when he gave me the paper airplane necklace that I never took off of my neck since the day he gave it to me.

We chose our usual seat on the corner side of the place. It's not crowded since it isn't rush hour yet. As usual the service crew is trying to flirt with Harry but as usual he didn't even bother looking at her.

"So I was thinking a couple of things earlier," he says as we were waiting for our food.

I leaned into him and look at his face. "Like what?" I asked.

"After what happened to you at the supermarket, I realized that life is short and I can't bear to lose you," he says with a very serious expression on his face.

My heart melt with his sweet words. No question asked, this beautiful man in indeed in love with me.

"So I wanna do two things," he says. "First, I want us to be a real family, I want you to stop taking those pills, and let's have a child of our own,"

What? Am I hearing him right? He wants us to have kids?


"And second is," he continued. "I want us to get married."



So how's everyone??? I hope you like this new update. Tell me your thoughts about it guys!!!

Again, thanks for all the support even though I rarely update but you're all still there.

I love each and everyone of you.

All the love.



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