Chrono: yeah me too, ok im gonna talk to kamui now and tokoha can you stay here

Tokoha: why?

Chrono: i need to speak with kamui priavetly

Tokoha: fine just hurry up ok

Chrono: ok it will not take too long

With that i go to the desk and started to talk to kamui

Kamui: so where are you gonna take her?

Chrono: i was thinking we hang out here than go to a diner and then go to the park to sing her a song that i wrote

Kamui: whaaaaat you can sing and make a song?

Chrono: i know right it's a hidden talent

Kamui: thats a really good plan chrono im so proud of you

Chrono: anyways im gonna go fight shion okay

Kamui: ok bye

After that little talk to kamui i go to shion and get ready to fight

Chrono and shion: now stand up

Chrono: the

Chrono and shion: vanguard!!!!


Shion: wow chrono you are really strong

Chrono: thanks you were too but i beat you yay

Tokoha: chrono can we go now?

Chrono: of course lets go, bye guys see you later!!!

Then tokoha held my hand and we started walking, after walking for a few minutes we finnaly reached a diner called Kin No Taki (yes i made that name up) but then tokoha speak to me

Tokoha: is this the special place?

Chrono: no we are just gonna eat here

Tokoha: okay this place seem to sell some delicious food, and are we gonna split the check?

Chrono: of course not i will be paying for the food

Tokoha: well okay then shall we go inside

Chrono: yeah lets go

Than me and tokoha goes inside and go find a table, after we found a table we sit there and a waiter said

Waiter: what would you like to order?

Chrono: i will have the spicy chickey ramen with green milk tea

Waiter: and what about you?

Tokoha: i will have the normal chicken ramen with the same drink as chrono

Waiter: so one spicy chicken ramen and one normal chicken ramen and two green milk tea?

Chrono: yeah thats it

Waiter: ok i will be right back with your food

Tokoha: thank you very much


We finnaly got our food and start to eat them, after our food and drink is done the waiter gave us the check and it was 1.500 yen, after that me and tokoha got out of the diner, but it was night time

Chrono: wow its night i didn' t even notice it

Tokoha: chrono can you please show me this special place

Chrono: fine let's go


Chrono: we are here

Tokoha: the park?

Chrono: yeah, lets go before its close

Than me and tokoha goes inside the park and i ask her to remove her shoe and she said yes then i take a paper from my pocket and said

Chrono: tokoha since we became a couple i made a song for our relationship

Tokoha: really you do that for me, than blow me away chrono

Chrono: ok here we go

(Yeah guys im sorry im too lazy to write all the lyrics)

Tokoha: (blushes and started to cry) c-chrono that was beautiful

Chrono: so are we gonna stand here or start kissing

Than me and tokoha started to kiss passionately.

That all for today guys sorry for not updating faster i was busy playing vanguard with my friend's, anyways suggest anything you like and i will see you in the next chapter


Cardfight Vanguard G: Chrono X Tokoha Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora