Not Quite Subtle Suprises

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"Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
Upon realization, the person who bumped into (Y/N) was but a small child; a little girl, who looked no older than 10, dressed very much like a schoolgirl. She shyly took (Y/N's) hand, and they helped her up.
Just as the little girl got up to her feet, behind her came two people. They very strongly resembled the girl, presumably her parents. Her mother scolds the young lady,
"My word Ib! What did I tell you about watching where you're going? And here I thought I could trust you going about the gallery by yourself..."
This seems unfair. The poor girl doesn't deserve to be chewed out like that for a mere accident...
"Now now, miss, no need to be so harsh. It was just an accident. After all, I'd say it's my fault, for backing up like that out of no where like that."
(Y/N) put their focus back towards the little girl.
"Are you sure you're okay, young lady? Ib, was it?"
The little girl looks up at (Y/N). She has big, ruby red eyes and brown hair that ends near the middle of her back. She responds quietly,
"Yes, thank you."
(Y/N) smiles in relief and dismisses them self to go upstairs to look at more of the artwork. They had to admit, Guertena really was an amazing artist. (Y/N) adored his style; simplistic, yet refined, and he had the creep factor down pat without a doubt. Eventually they made their way over to a mural.
My god, this is amazing. I absolutely love the color contrast with this one. Wonder how long it took to make..
"Fabricated World"
"Once you go in, there's no going back. All your time here will be lost. Will you still jump in?"
As (Y/N) read the mural's nameplate to them self, the lights overhead flickered, which made them jump a bit. The soft music that was playing through the speakers and the overall warmth and liveliness of the gallery is now gone, replaced with tense, cold air.

351 words

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