Jane the Virgin : A New Michael

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Wedding Night May 26, 2016

I can't believe I just married the woman of my dreams. Jane Gloriana Villanueva, a girl I met at her 21st birthday party because of a noise complaint, just married me! I am so glad Abuela taught me how to say my vows in Spanish. I don't think it would have been as meaningful if I did them in English. I mean, for real #marriagegoals. Rogelio invited Bruno Mars to sing at our reception, wow does he have the hookups?! When Bruno Mars came out onto the stage, I looked over at Jane who smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen... Of course, a bit smaller than the one I just saw at the altar, but still. She is so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?

She's in the shower right now rinsing out all the stuff she put in her hair to make it sticky and gross. I wanted to join her, but she wanted to wait for me to see her for the first time after she got out, which, to be honest, I am totally A-OK with. I have waited for her for so long and tonight is FINALLY the night. I mean, of course, she has waited much longer than I have, and for that, she deserves all the respect and extra 30 minutes it takes for her to finish her shower. I guess since I have some down time while she is showering, I'm gonna go grab some ice to put in our champagne bucket! I'll throw on one of the two robes in the closet next to the bathroom and tell Jane that I'll be back shortly with ice.

May 27, 2016

I saw my partner, Susanna, in the hallway after I left my honeymoon suite last night. We passed each other and I yelled "Roll Tide!". She looked at me like she had no idea what I was talking about. Since she wasn't actually from Tuscaloosa, she had no idea what to say next. I flashed back at all of the things she led us to at the station. She knew about everything involving Mutter and led us straight to her. I interrogated her to try and get some answers...

Susanna came closer to me, drew a gun, and pointed it just next to my heart. Like it was straight out of a telenovela, she tore off her mask and revealed she was Sin Rostro. I have no idea how I didn't see this coming. She threatened me by saying, if I wanted to keep Jane and her, now my, family safe, I would have to go MIA as soon as I could and not come back. I couldn't do it. There was no way. I couldn't leave Jane after JUST marrying her. Being so close to having a life together. One that she and I had been dreaming about. But I did it, so I can ensure her safety and so she can actually pursue her dream of finishing her novel.

So now, here I lay, in a hospital bed after Rose "shot" me. I paid off the doctors, a crap load of money out of my savings, NOT out of Jane and I's account, to lie to everyone about my well-being and likelihood of survival. I'm faking my death today and I am really scared. I planned it all out, because fortunately I am an organ donor. Like all the organs, and have told Jane on multiple accounts that, if I were to die (I mean, I AM a cop!), I wouldn't want an open casket. So, I have that working for me.

I hate this. I wish it didn't have to be this way.

June 5, 2016

I colored my hair blonde and use colored contacts to try my best to hide my appearance. Rose changed my face, just enough to make me look like a different man. She widened my jaw line, added a larger ridge to my nose (I hate it because I can see my nose in my peripherals and it's actually kind of annoying and distracting) and protruded my chin out a little farther. I'm still a little sore. She also gave me a new identity, Matthew Bennett, along with all the paper identifications I needed to work and travel. This was really going to take some getting used to.

June 8, 2016

I had just enough money to keep me in this hotel on the edge of town for the past two weeks. But, funds are getting low and I don't know what I am going to do. Rose wants me to leave town, for good. I want to tell everyone at the station who Susanna really is, but I couldn't live with myself if she stuck to her word. So, I gave her an even better idea: I could be her spy. I could do inner workings within the Marbella, keeping her up to date on what Rafael is doing, where Luisa is going, and if there are more investigations going on inside. Fortunately, she likes this idea and has allowed me to stay around. Of course, there's the rain cloud over my head because I have to watch as Jane mourns and moves on. I have to be the outsider and I don't know if that is something I am ready for. Although, I like this idea better than the alternative of there not being a Jane anymore at all.

June 20, 2016

I'm finally getting used to not being Michael Cordero now, it was extremely difficult learning how to answer someone calling to you from the other side of the room a name that you'd never heard mentioned until 2 weeks ago. I keep going because I know that I saved a lot more people from danger this way. Remembering why I am doing this helps me get up in the morning.

I moved out of the motel and into an apartment semi-close to the Marbella. I ended up getting a job there as a full-time front desk associate. You know? The one who checks everyone in and assigns them rooms and stuff. Yeah, it's actually not that bad. I mean, I have to stand all the time and talk to people who are extremely rude, but I guess it's a job and it'll do until I can maybe find something better. Rose really likes me having this position at the Marbella because I keep track of who comes in and who leaves. She gives me a list with the names and faces of the people she has been searching for once a month.

Since Jane is now the manager of the Marbella foyer, I get to see her everyday. Oh, how I have missed her beautiful face. It really sucks watching her float around the foyer, not coming to the desk to talk to me to tell me about her day. But, at least I know she is safe. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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