Hopefully Louis comes to his senses and realises that she is there before she leaves. Next up is Zayn. 

"Erm well I was 15 and it was with Perrie before we started proberly going out. I was at her's because we were partners for some art project thing for GCSE's and I kissed her because I liked her and things got a little bit heated blah blah you know the rest but it was amazing and yeah whoop de doo. Now we are engaged so yaay!" Zayn says with a fake smile even though we all know how happy he is to be with Perrie, man if i swung that way i would be all over Perrie. 

Perrie basically re tells Zayns story but a little more cuter and with more meaning. 

Then it suddenly hits me, I'm next. 

"Ill go!" Harry bursts in. 

"No let Louisa go she is next" Dani says smiling. 

"No its ok I'll go. I'm still a virgin. Whoop de doo! The thing is though is that I am saving it for when I feel comfortable with someone even to let them into that side of things. Like Zayn and Perrie they were each others firsts and look at them now. See Dani thats the difference between me and you. I have self respect for myself. Even that, I dont need to sleep around to fill that gaping whole in lack of confidence and insecurity that I have. Why? Because before I learn to love other people or have other people love me I need to learn to love myself. Another thing is, is that you don't know me you dont know about my past relasionships infact the only person that does is Harry. So dont be so quick to play these games with me alright because I am always one fucking step ahead. Now if you dont mind stop making fucking eyes at my boyfriend because so God help me if you do it again I will fucking make sure you dont have any fucking eyes at all. So sorry Dani you didnt embrass me here" I say and take a deep breath. 

I look around to see everyones eyes wide. 

"You fucking bitch!" Dani shouts. 

Then I fucking run around the circle and pounce on her like a lion and start punching he in the face. I am currently sitting on her in a straddling posistion. 

"What did you fucking say to me?!" I shout.

She doesn't answer as she pulls on my hair. 

"Huh!?" I scream louder.

"Go fuck yourself you fucking prude Harry will never love you!" She shouts back.

"How the fuck would you know?" 

"Because I fucking kissed him!" She roars.

As soon as the words fly out of her mouth so does my hand straight across her face. 

I continue to slap her as she struggles to fight back. Soon enough I feel Harry's strong arms lift me over his shoulder and carry me away as I claw the air trying to get back to her while shouting abuse. I see her stand up and pull her dress down and wipe herself down as blood trickles down her mouth. I can her Harry's laugh as he sets me down in a coner. 

As soon as he sits down beside I get up to run back but Niall steps infront off me. 

"Sorry love but I have strict orders from Liam that you need to say away from her. Liam is pissed at her anyway but that doesnt mean he wants to see her get her arse kicked" Niall laughs.

My viens are still strong and my heart is beating fast. 

"Fuck Niall you should of let her go! Dani needs it. Saying I kissed her!" Harry says behind me.

"Hey! Why did you take me away then?" I say turning to face him.

"I had to the boys and the girls thought you were going to kill her!" Harry says laughing. 

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