1. The Night We Met

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Richard: Where are you?

Andrew: Home. I really can't go, stomach problems.

Richard: Fuck you.

Richard: ...

Richard: It's okay. I'll go alone.

Andrew: You sure?

Richard: Yes, bye.


He took a deep breath and knocked on an old wooden door. It parted slightly and Richard saw the face of a middle-aged man looking at him suspiciously.

"Where's your ID?" he asked. Richard sighed and showed him a fake one that he and Andrew made several weeks earlier. The guy scanned before he fully opened the door for RJ.

"You sure you're 18?"


"Come in."

Richard went in as soon as the guy returned his ID. He walked straight to the counter and ordered one bottle of beer.

"Are you alright, man?" the barista asked him.

"Yeah. Just a bit bummed, I was supposed to come here with someone." He answered.

"A significant other?"

"No man, just a friend," Richard said before he started drinking the beer.

"Okay man, enjoy the night." The bartender replied. Richard raised his bottle and looked around the bar, only to see that everyone else was busy talking to each other. Richard and Anthony were supposed to meet a pot dealer inside the bar. But since his best friend couldn't go with him, he just decided to do it alone. After a few more minutes of drinking, someone sat on the seat next to Richard's and asked a question that quickly alerted him.

"Are you RF99?"

Shocked that the voice belonged to a female, Richard turned to his side and saw a very beautiful woman staring at him. She had long brown hair, big expressive eyes and thick lips that looked sinfully good.

"Y-Yes." He stammered.

"Good. Why are you alone, big boy? And how did you get in."

"I'm 18," Richard replied.

"And I'm Barack Obama." The woman answered sarcastically before adding "I don't believe you, but I don't care. I'm MM03, did you bring the money?"

Richard was about to nod when suddenly, gunshots broke out. The woman grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him down to the floor, Richard covered his ears with hands before he closed his eyes.

"This is not happening ... this is not happening ... this is not happening." He whispered to himself as the gunshots went on and broke glasses after glasses around them.

"Shit, looks like someone followed me." He heard the woman utter.

"SOMEONE WITH A GUN FOLLOWED YOU???" Richard asked her hysterically.

"YES! NOW, WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! She yelled. The woman then moved closer to Richard and told him to follow her.

"Where?" asked Richard, heart still pounding against his chest.

"Your escape route," She replied. Richard just gulped and crawled with the woman towards the counter.

"Emmett? Can you please open the hatch for this kid?" the woman asked the bartender.

"I'm about to open it myself!" he yelled. Richard looked down and saw a hatch on the wooden floor. The bartender unlocked it and jumped in, disappearing from their view.

"Now, go!" the woman yelled and the gunshots stopped.

"What about you? I ... I ..." Richard was frozen; he was too stunned to move on his own.

"No time for that." The woman replied and pushed Richard down the hatch. He grunted when he landed hard on his back. Richard and the woman locked eyes for a moment before she closed the hatch on him. Richard then heard another round of gunshots go off. He stood up quickly and looked around. After a few moments of searching, he found the door. Terrified to stay for another minute in the bar's cellar, Richard left and ran as fast as he could away from the place.


Richard woke up the next morning with a massive headache. Not because he had a hangover but because he wasn't able to sleep. The incident at the bar was the first time he got caught in a crossfire. It was also the first time he became scared shitless for his life. And though the woman he was supposed to deal with looked unforgivably attractive, the overall experience was still bad for him.

"Richard?! Wake up! You're going to be late!" her mother yelled while knocking vigorously on his door.

"Okay!" Richard screamed before leaving the bed. He then spent the next half an hour of minutes preparing for school. After he was done, Richard went out of his room and joined his parents for breakfast.

"Where were you last night?" His mother asked.


"You're still hanging out with your ex?" his father asked, the tone of his voice was still tinged with disapproval. Richard sighed and stared at him.

"He's also my best friend, okay? And I thought we're over this?"

"We are." Mr. Faulkerson replied sternly. Richard shook his head from side and just finished his breakfast. After doing so, he kissed his mom and the cheek and patted his Dad's shoulder.

"I'm going to school." He told them before exiting the house. Richard then got into his car and drove towards school. When he got there, he immediately saw Andrew walking towards the main lobby.

"Hey!" he yelled and ran after his friend. Andrew turned around and smiled at him.

"Hey man, I'm sorry for last night." Andrew apologized to Richard right away.

"It's okay and something crazy happened to me by the way."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you later," Richard responded before they entered the class. He placed his bag on the floor and started pulling out his notebook and pen, unaware that their teacher already entered the room.

"Good morning, class. My name is Maine Mendoza and I will be your substitute teacher while Mr. Guevarra is recovering from his surgery."

Richard's heart skipped a beat when he heard the voice. He looked up with eyes wide open and saw the same woman from the bar. Richard's mouth fell open and he gasped, catching the attention of some of his classmates. Maine stared at him and they locked eyes, Richard noticed how shocked she was as well.



1st chapter guys! Tell me what you think!

And yes,  A's character is bisexual. How will it affect the story? stay tuned to find out.

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