Chapter one

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Your POV*
I miss my dad he as been going for 12 years now I always keep gift around me and the gift was a necklace with a golden key on it I right now I was 13 my mom always there when I was sad I really happy that my mom was here today was my birthday and my mom was planning a gift for me "what do u want for ur birthday gift (Y/N)" "nothing" I just smiled at my mom "actually I always want to join the scouting legion" I said my mom look at me with widen eyes and I look down "f-fine if that what u want then I will sign the papers tomorrow but just be careful all right" my mom smiled at me and tears came out of her eyes and I ran up to her and hug her"(Y/M/N) (A/N (Y/M/N is your mom name) look I miss dad too that's why I want to join the scouting legion so I can take my revenge on the titans" I said while I was crying. My mom look at me and wiped the tears "Now let's stop crying I know that (Y/F/N) (A/N (Y/F/N is your father name) would not want to see u crying now would he" "no I just miss him so much" I said "I miss him too sweet heart now go to bed just two more years u can leave to join the scouting legion" my mom smiled "ok mom goodnight" I said and kiss her cheek and when to my room and change into my (F/B) t-shirt and went to bed
Hello this is my first book I have ever done in my life I know it's sucks welp I have to go to sleep I hope u like and comment goodnight everyone
*do the scouting legion pose*

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