Untitled Part 1

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It was around the middle of the night when Licca tossed and turned until she eventually gave up trying to sleep. She hated when this happens because then she'll be tired later and won't be able to fight as easily. She always tries her best though, no matter what condition she's in. Frustrated, she threw her blankets to the side and sat up, looking around.

"I wonder if Lukas is asleep," she thought aloud. She decided to crawl out of her tent. Once she was out she stood up and saw that a fire was made, and next to it was her Lukas. He must've heard her getting out because he turned around and flashed her one of those cute small smiles. Licca couldn't help but blush whenever he does that. The soldier looked around one last time, just to make sure there were no enemies, then walked up to where Licca was standing.

"Hey," he greeted her.

"Hey," Licca replied with a soft tone of her voice and smiled.

"What are you doing up this late?" His face had creased with worry. "You know it'll make you very tired if you don't sleep soon."

"I know," she said, sighing. "But I just can't sleep for some reason."

"Hmmm..." he thought aloud. "Would you like me to crawl in with you and help you fall asleep?"

The brunette smiled up at him and nodded. "I'd like that very much."

Lukas couldn't help but chuckle softly, earning another blush from Licca. "Alright, I'll go wake Python up since it's almost his turn. You head back inside and get comfortable, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Licca nodded again. "Alright. Let's hope Python actually behaves this time and wakes up rather quickly."

The redhead nodded in agreement. "Yes, let's hope. That man sure loves to sleep."

"I don't blame him though since we're fighting battles pretty much everyday, including having to lose some sleep for night watch."

After those words, Licca went inside her tent and laid back down as Lukas went to wake Python. It only took him a few minutes until he appeared inside her tent.

"Wow, that was quick," Licca told him as her eyebrows were raised in surprise. Usually Python takes at least ten minutes to fully wake up, dressed and ready.

"He was already waking up when I got in there, and he actually got the message that I was trying to tell him, so he happily obliged by getting up immediately."

"Well, that's... odd. Even when we want to have some time to ourselves he still would take forever, no matter what time it is."

The red soldier just shrugged. "Who knows what's on that man's mind?" He walked over to where Licca sat and sat by her, then began to take his top armor and shirt off, exposing his chest and abdomen. Licca blushed once he was half naked and had to look away. He did this often when he's trying to put her to sleep, but she still blushes every time.

Lukas chuckled softly as he watched her. "Still not used to seeing me like this?"

All Licca could do was look back at him and giggle a bit. Lukas scooted closer to her and wrapped his strong, warm arms around her body, then laid down, bringing her with him. She happily curled up close against his body and smiled.

"Tell me, what's on your mind?" Lukas asked her as he ran his fingers through her soft brown hair. Her hair was usually in pigtails, but she always lets it down when it was time to sleep. She sleeps better when it was down. "I know something's troubling you, otherwise you would have been asleep by now."

Licca sighed and thought for a moment before answering. "Just tired of this war...."

"Ahhh. So just the same troubles?"

"Yup. Just the same old worries."

Lukas sighed. He honestly wish he could just take away all the worries and pain from her, but all he could do was just tell her the war would be over soon.

"And don't tell me that the war will be over soon, because we honestly have no idea when exactly it'll end." Her voice sounded a bit sad, which Lukas couldn't blame her for.

"I know... I'm sorry it's the only thing I can say."

"No, it's ok. I just.... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"Don't apologize. If you're tired of hearing such a false statement when we very much know it won't end anytime soon, then tell me. I don't want to frustrate you."

"Thank you for being considerate, Lukas," she told him as she smiled up at him.

They lay in silence for a few moments. Lukas was stroking her brown hair as he looked Licca in the eyes, smiling. He really loved their colors. One eye was pink and the other was purple, and it fascinated him. He knew she was self-conscious about her heterochromia, but she always relaxed whenever she's around him, which he was glad.

"What are you thinking?" Licca asked him. Her voice sounded sleepy and her eyes looked droopy, but he could tell that she was fighting it.

"Licca, go to sleep. I can tell you're fighting it."

"I just want to hear your voice just for a little bit longer. It'll help me fall into a deep sleep. If I go to sleep now, I might wake up again in a few hours. You should know this by now."

She was right. He does know that. He just thought his body heat was enough to help her fall asleep and stay asleep. He looked her back into her eyes and smiled softly.

"I was thinking about how beautiful your eyes are. They always seem to sparkle whenever you're happy or calm. And they're such beautiful colors."

Licca's eyes were closed, but she smiled. She always loved hearing that from him. As if she wasn't close enough to him, she scooted closer, feeling more of his body heat. Lukas held her tightly against his body so she felt safe and warm.

"Try to go to sleep, Licca. We may have to fight tomorrow." Licca was already asleep though, her breathing slow and even. Being this close to him felt wonderful to her and helped ease her mind and muscles.

Lukas smiled and kissed her forehead softly. "Goodnight, and sleep well, Licca."

Licca x LukasWhere stories live. Discover now