Chapter 12: Hogshead

Start from the beginning

"You don't remember?"

I shook my head as Scorpius sighed, "right as you caught the snitch the Slytherin beater, Rogers, Carl Rogers hit a bludger right towards your face. It broke your nose and the impact caused you to fall backwards off your broom. James tried to catch you once he saw what had happened but he wasn't quick enough. You slammed into the ground, hard, the crack could have been heard two miles away, Lily. It was terrifying, I thought you had broken your neck. You didn't but the crack was from your skull and you got a pretty bad concussion. You passed out almost immediately afterwards as James and Albus both ran with you all the way up here and you've been passed out ever since."

It all came flooding into my mind every moment of my two brothers frantically telling me to stay awake and James holding my close to him as Albus pushed open the giant front doors. I felt and saw everything all over again and I pushed it out of my mind. "Oh," I said looking down at the white sheets, "How long-"

"Have you been out?" Scorpius asked and I nodded, "five days, its Friday today."

I nodded and thought back to the game, a smirk forming on my lips, "So we won?"

Scorpius looked up at me and chuckled, "Yes, we did. Thanks to your brilliant catch," he said and ruffled my hair lightly.

I smiled and looked at him beaming proudly, "That's to be expected, a brilliant catch."

Scorpius shook his head, "Of course," he said brushing my hair behind my ear sending my heart soaring. "But, you should probably get some rest, I'm sure your brothers will be here soon."

"How can I get any sleep with you sitting there?" I asked trying my best to scoot closer to him.

Scorpius laughed, "Lily, you need to sleep," he said looking at me as I tried my best to look as f I was an innocent puppy.

When I saw Scorpius's smile fall into a smirk I took the opportunity and kissed him. It was a long kiss and a passionate one too. As his hand slipped around to the small of my back my vision blurred causing me to close my eyes. His scent of spearmint breath mints made my head spin as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could taste his lips on mine, the taste from his mints flooding my senses with him. Everything I could see, taste, feel, smell, was him. It was all him and it was perfect.

I heard someone clear their throat from behind me and I immediately broke away from Scorpius. I turned around blushing profusely as I looked at my brother Albus who was standing in the doorway. "So..." he said sliding his hands in his pockets, "You're up," he said as I nodded.

"Guess I owe James ten galleons now," Albus said motioning between Scorpius and me. I furrowed my brow and looked up at him confused, "I bet that it wouldn't happen until the summer, the whole catching you two thing."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh come off it, it's not like we were doing anything wrong," I said hugging my knees to my chest as Scorpius looked away, fiddling with his hands in front of his crotch.

Albus scoffed, "You're lucky it was me who caught you and not James, he would have easily ripped your head off," he said to Scorpius who forced a small laugh to defuse the tension. "He went to get you two some food, he should be here in a minute. Rox said that the professors aren't assigning you work, except for your essay in Muggle Studies, but that you would already know about that."

I nodded, "Thanks," I said just as James entered the room.

"I got you two a chicken leg and a biscuit each, figured you could do with some food," He said looking at the food inside of the cloth napkin as he handed it to Scorpius.

I smiled at my eldest brother, "Thank you," I said as Scorpius handed me a biscuit which I promptly ate.

"Madam Pomfrey said to have you take this potion once you wake up," James said pointing to the small bottle on the bed stand next to the bed. I nodded and obeyed as I downed the potion that tasted like grass.

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