Chapter 2

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Heyy!! I’m back! Right. I’ve been a little busy recently, with all the projects and exam revisions. Okay yeah, basic summary (not the story): this a percico fic, a very, or quite OOC one at that. It’s basically the development of the percico relationship in an AU/highschool setting. Percy is not going to be the shitty thickhead, but the charming, popular guy in school, and Nico isn’t going to be the shitty depressed brat, but the socially awkward guy (I really hope this doesn’t sound clichéd). But I’m still keeping some of the original characteristics of the characters. And I’ll need some help from someone who is familiar with the American highschool setting and the average teenager in America’s lifestyle, for as you can see (from my profile), I definitely do not live in America. I wish to get as many of the facts right (as well as the language), though. And if any of you, my darling readers, wish to help me, you can just PM me, or send me an email (on my profile).

Warnings: Hm… An awkward Nico with a Percy who loves to tease him? That’s no warning. Pfft. This is basically a story with no actual plot. It’s just some random thing I conjured up but felt like writing it so much.  

Read this note please: Normal word, normal storyline, italics, Nico’s thoughts/emphasis, italics and italics with underlines (they always come together), Inner struggle (without line is the ‘devil’, and with line is the ‘angel’)

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Chapter 2

Nico woke up as usual at 7am. He was to wash up, prepare his breakfast, eat it, clean the house, then go to school. And as for weekends, finish his homework. He didn’t have much of a life, to be exact.

Automatically, without thinking, he got up and went for the door, still thinking that he was at home.

That he was expected to help with the chores.

That he was expected to be the quiet boy.

That he was nothing but just a boy lurking in the shadows, invisible, ordinary, and unnoticed.

But he forgot that he wasn’t at home. He was having a sleepover (if you could even call it a sleepover) with Percy Jackson, someone he wouldn’t expected to have noticed him. Stepping out, he fumbled around for his slippers, but to not find them anywhere. Giving up, he decided to make his way for the door, only to find himself slamming into the side of Percy’s desk, disturbing the contents on the table.

That woke him up a bit.

Oh yes. Percy’s house. I’m at Percy’s house.

“Mm…? Nico? You’re awake?” Percy mumbled groggily, sitting up in his bed which was next to Nico’s. The room was originally shared with his brother,Luke, but he moved out later on as he wanted to stay closer to the college he was studying in. “What are you doing up so early?”

“I…” Nico began to get a little flustered. He was feeling nervous and awkward now, and he was pretty sure he was blushing for he could feel an unfamiliar heat rise up his neck and cheeks. “Um… I… I always wake up at this time.”

“That’s quite early, Nico. Why?” the older boy asked curiously, standing up from the bed. Nico could quite literally feel his blush deepen. Percy was wearing nothing but a shirt and his boxers. Maybe his aunt was more conservative . He was made to wear his pyjamas to sleep every night. And it wasn’t like he had much interaction with anyone, much less hot guys who he had a crush on. Like for example, Percy. The younger boy could feel his own eyes darting about, then landing back on Percy, tracing down his face, his chest and his abs through the faint silhouette of his white shirt, and… His cheeks felt like they were on fire.

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