My Life Isnt worth Living .

874 35 17

Princetons ( POV )

They Never get enough ! Everytime i turn around i hear " Baby Boy " Or " Wimp / Nerd " Why cant they just leave me alone !! ive Done Nothing Wrong , ive been at this school for 4 months and i just wanna Leave !! i want to go FAR FAR AWAY !!


L.A. Highschool


Princeton : *Walks to class with head down*

Dylan : Look it here guys ! its The weak Link Jacob ! Hahaha Hey Wimpy boy want some milk ? didn't see you in the lunch room this morning you hiding from me wimpy boy ?

Princeton : *Keeps walking*

Dylan : *Runs up & Dumps milk all over prince* Hahaha Oops Now all we need is i wet floor sign in that cruddy little fro of yours then noone would come near you ! oops i forgot ! Nobody ever does ! *Laughs Loudly*

Princeton : *Runs toward office* *Thinks* Why wont they just Stop !!

Fred : *Trips Princeton & makes books fall*

Dylan : Good Looking Broo !! Now he has all eyes on him !!

Princeton : *Gets Up & Runs crying*

Principal : *Looks worried* oh Hunn ! Are you okay ? did someone do this to you ! Jacob ?

Princeton : No it was an accident im going through alot right now !! can you just please call my mom !!

Principal : Okay , sure thing *Calls Mrs.Perez* Yes Hi i have your son In my office & he kind of had an accident he would like to speak to you ... ..... Ok *Hands Prince the phone*

Princeton : No Mom . . im fine just come get me NOW !! *Leaves Office in Tears*

Fred : OH LOOK the Widdle Baby Came out !! Did you call your mommy is she gonna bring you some more tiddie widdies !! *Laughs*

Princeton : *Ignores him*

Fred : Look at me when im talking to you NERD BOY !! *Serious face*

Princeton : *Ignores him again*

Fred : *Runs Over & chokes prince against the locker*

*Whole HALLWAY Stares*

Princeton : *Shuts his eyes* You know what ! im sick of you guys bullying me because of my looks , & attitude ! *Struggles to talk* You can bully me but i will NEVER EVER be a bully in return so if your gonna kill me go ahead !

Fred : *Graps his neck tighter* Look here NERD B-

Principal : *Runs Out of Office* FREDICK NUNN LET GO OF HIM NOW !

Fred : *Lets go of prince*

Principal : this is completely Unexceptable ! i am gonna Suspend you RIGHT AWAY ! Come with me ! Jacob go home hunn *Gives worried look*


Princetons ( POV )

I Waited for my mom my throat was soar & everyone was looking at me with a blank face . . even DYLAN ! I Wanted to cry but i didnt even bother when my mom got here i ran out of the school without looking up to see everyone starring at me , i didnt want to go back EVER but sadly i had to i had to face my bullies & fears daily . . it was only Dylan & fred who bullied me everyone else pretended like i was invisible . . i feel like my LIFE ISNT WORTH LIVING  !


Like it ? What do you guys think ? Dont you just hate Dylan & Fred ! At this time prince does not know Ray Prod or roc . . But when will he meet them ? who is the girl ? Find out !

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2012 ⏰

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