Chapter 2

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Takumi Pov

I couldn't get her out of my head. That mysterious coffee lady who help to brighten my day of sorrow. At times I thought of visiting her but then I shoved that thought away. I barely knew her but why do I feel the need to go back and see her? Maybe I can just sit in the coffee shop for now.


I push open the door of the coffee shop but the face that greets me wasn't the one I wanted to see. There is another girl standing behind the counter. I took a quick glance around the coffee shop but didn't catch sight of the girl from before.

"How can I help you sir?" The new lady behind the counter asks. She seemed to wonder why I just stood there and didn't move to take a seat nor order.

"Uhm..there's another girl who works here. She has amber eyes-"

"Misa-chan! Sorry for interrupting you but I guessed quickly since she's the only one here with amber eyes. What about her?"

"Is she on break?" I question. I hope I don't seem like a weirdo stalker randomly asking for a girl I don't know. Well, that was the truth but I didn't need this girl to know that right now.

"She doesn't have to work today. Can I give her a message?"

"No thanks, I'll be on my way," I refused and head out of the coffee shop but not quick enough since I hear the girl say, "Misa chan sure has some hot friends."

Great! Guess I should try to go to the company and do work. I can't help but feel sad on the inside. Maybe it was a way to say I shouldn't meet her again.

The walk from the coffee shop to my company was only around two minutes. Explains how I found it the day my mother died. I was in the company before I came out to wander and found the coffee did it had to be so? That just means I will be easily tempted to stop by.

I enter the lobby of the company and my employees greet me then scamper off to get away from me. Who wanted to be around me in my state of depression? I wouldn't want to be around me either. It's best I just go to my office for now.

I get into the elevator and hit the button for the top floor. And here I am back to work my sorrows away.


The elevator notifies me that I have reach my floor. Let me just hope today will be a laid back and chilled day. I walk out the elevator to go walk past my secretaries desk and head into my office.

"Good morning president Usui," I hear a familiar voice say at the desk before I could reach my office door. That wasn't my regular secretary's voice, so who was it?

There was a tint of something familiar about that voice. I turn to get a look at the owner of that voice and came to realise it was the coffee girl.

So many thoughts were running through my head. What was she doing here? Is this why she wasn't at the coffee shop? Did she know I could stalk her better if she was this close by? But more importantly, did she remember me? Maybe not!

Her eyes widen as she seem to get a closer look at me.

"You.." She begins but stops short to reach into her purse for something. She pulls out something small. A paper and unwraps it to show me what words it held.

It's okay!

"I-uh, was the one who-"

"Told me it's okay, thank you!"

It was the paper I left for her. She did remember me. Maybe my days of sorrow will come to an end and she will be the cause of it.

It's Okay (Maid sama short story.)Where stories live. Discover now