Chapter 12: Forbidden Forest

Start from the beginning

"It is our job to find this creature," Hagrid says while he looks over in the direction that my brother and I were looking for earlier when I noticed our facial expressions. I nod my head quickly after he says that because I have to stay optimistic and hope that the unicorn is alive, "Now, Ron, Hermione, you will come with me."

"O-Okay," Ron says with fear clear as day in his voice. I feel some sympathy for him because it is a creepy forest with a potential unicorn attacker on the lose. Honestly, I'm most likely as scared as him but the thought of a wounded creature makes my fear get replaced with determination.

"Harry, Anastasia, you will go with Malfoy," Hagrid says and I nod my head while moving over to my brother's side. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that my brother and fellow Slytherin give each other a disgusted kind of look. Oh, for the love of Salazar! Please, don't have my brother and my friend fight the entire time. After they give each other that disgusted look, my brother looks back at Hagrid and gives him a small nod.

"Alright, but I get Fang," Draco says and I smile as I look down at the old dog. I start to pet him on the head while Hagrid agrees with Draco but also tells us that the dog is a coward. Well, even though the dog isn't brave he can still give us some more support while we explore the forest, as the saying goes, 'there is safety in numbers'!

My twin, Fang, Draco, and I walk in the opposite direction than the others. Before Hagrid left us alone, he gave Draco a lantern and told us to yell if anything happens. I don't know about everyone else but this seems highly dangerous and unsafe. How is the school allowing this?

"Wait until my father hears about this," Draco sneers while holding up the lantern. I look over at my best friend and a sudden wave of fatigue makes me realize that I honestly don't want to fight with him. He is my best friend and maybe he had a good reason for telling Professor McGonagall on us. If I had brought my notepad I would have asked him about it right now but I didn't bring it nor do I think that this is a good time to ask him. Nudging him in his side, I give him a smile when he looks over at me. Draco gives me a hesitant smile as if he is unsure if I actually forgive him or not. At the moment, I don't forgive him for ratting us out but like I said maybe he had a good reason for doing that. After a few seconds have passed, my blonde friend finally gives me his usual happy smile that I have grown used to.

"If I don't know better, I would say you were scared," my twin brother says to the blonde boy as we continue to walk. My friend's smile quickly disappears and is replaced with a deathly glare aimed towards my big brother. I sigh when I realize that my wish didn't come true and it appears that they are starting to argue with each other. Shaking my head in disappointment, I fall behind them and start to pet Fang, who starts wagging his tail slightly from happiness.

"Scared, Potter," Draco spites out at Harry when suddenly a low moaning sound appears behind us. Quickly as possible, we all turn our heads toward the noise but we end up not seeing anything. After not seeing anything for a couple of seconds, we all turn around and continue heading straight down the path. As if he was offended by being called out as being scared, Malfoy walks a few feet ahead of us and I sigh with relief when I realize that they aren't arguing anymore.

We keep walking until we reach an area that has a lot of tree roots on top of the earth instead of inside it. Thankfully, the fog has thinned out a little bit so now I can see a little bit more of our surroundings. By this time, Draco has fallen back with my brother and me while Fang went in front of us. Just to make sure that these two don't start arguing again, I decide to walk in-between them so that way they aren't too close to each other. The path starts to descend a little bit and turns to left after a large tree. Without any caution, we turn the corner and end up in a medium-sized open area.

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