Author #10: @haveyouseenthisguy_

Magsimula sa umpisa

How do you balance your time? (Wattpad with personal life)

-- I don't. I suck at time management so bad. I procrastinate at wattpad and also procrastinate at my personal life. Procrastination is <3.

How do you manage demanding readers?

-- Ignorance. Besides, I have no readers so I really don't have to deal with this thing. xDD Hahahahaha

How do you deal with haters?

-- I haven't encountered a hater since March 2013. I'm so loved by everyone ya'know. xDD Hahahahahaha. I don't deal with it. They can't feed off me 'cause I'll just let them hate all they want. Ain't nobody got time for this stupidity.

What advice can you give to those writers who are afraid to try? How can they overcome fear?

-- Just eat chocolates and you'll have all the confidence you need. OK, now I'm gonna be serious. You've got a God-given talent there, young man/woman. Why not share it? I mean, all of us are afraid at one point or another but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try. Just do it. People will like it. People will hate it. But that's life you know. It's unfair. Just go do it. Pick up that pen right now and start writing or else I'll kill you tonight at 12 midnight if you do not send this to 30 people in the next 54 minutes. XDDDD (OK, I ruined the serious moment there. lol)

Getting to know the Author

Random Questions:


If you would be a thing what would it be?

-- Chocolates. I'll eat myself alive! Rawr! :3


If you would be an animal what would you be?

-- An animal who eats chocolates. XDD Seriously, I love chocolates.

What is the one thing/animal that best symbolizes you?

-- Chocolates! xDD In a serious note, I chose chocolate because chocolates are have different varieties. I can be sweet like milk chocolate. I can be bitter like dark chocolate. And seriously, I'm just ordinary, like those chocolates that can be bought

if a low price. ChocNut beybeh! xD

What is one thing you cannot live without?

-- CHOCOLATES! :D 'cause a world without chocolates is a sad sad world *insert dramatic line and cries here* xDD


Food: Choclates

Drink: Chocolate Milk

Fruits: Chocolate Coated Fruits (they exist tho, I already ate a chocolate coated Apple)

Vegetables: Chocolate Coated Vegetables xDD

Color: Cyan

Number: 7

Author: Nicholas Sparks, John Green, and Eros Atalia.

Stories: A Walk to Remember, The Fault in Our Stars, Tatlong Gabi Tatlong Araw

Likes: Chocolates  (if you didn't know this after all the things you read above, I'll totally smack you in the head for being so slow) xDD

Dislikes: Anything and anyone that hates chocolates xD (I'll kill you with my awkwardness xD)

Motto: "A chocolate a day, keeps all the stress away, but you'll have diabetes later on xDD" but on  a serious note. "You won't see the stars if it's bright and sunny. Sometimes you need to let darkness into you so you can see the beauty of life."

Saying: "Keep calm and eat chocolates" again, the serious one is "Stand up for God, even if you stand alone."

What kind of person are you? Can you describe yourself? (Attitudes, behavior, physical, emotional hehehe. Kaw na bhala)

---> I really don't have anything special in me. I don't like getting too much appraisal and too much insults. Seriously, I'm just an ordinary person just like everyone else. I find smiling to be something special, that's why I encourage everyone to smile.

A single smile can brighten up another person's day so let's smile. People who will not smile will look like this *HaveYouSeenThisGuy made an ugly wacky face* xDD



Message to your fans/readers: Can I leave this blank because I don't have any? LOL. Umm, to all my fans/readers (I seriously feel like talking in an invisible crowd lol) I wanna thank you guys to the end of the universe and back, to infinity and beyond, to the ends of forever. If I can only like hug you all one by one, I would totally do that. Thanks for taking the time for reading my stupid, ugly, horrendous stories (I mean it. They suck) even though it will hurt your eyes and mind. Thanks for taking the time to know me and read this nonsense of a message. I LOVE YOU ALL GUYS :* Let's all be in a relationship with each other xDDD Hahahaha just kidding. Let's keep in touch. Anyone can talk to me anytime (I prefer wallposts on my Facebook rather than PMs, OK?) :D


Message to aspiring writers:

If you're reading this and planning to write. Do it. DO IT! *insert angry voice here* DO IT YOU PIECE OF CHOCOLATE CAKE! xDD Ok, sorry for that. Seriously. Just go do it. You may not know, but writing may change your life. I know you're scared or something, I felt that too at first so just do it and everything will be fine. :)

Message to haters: Thanks for taking the time to stalk me and find something wrong with me. I know you really love me unconsciously so just tell me. *wink wink* xD To all this people who hate me for no apparent reason (I mean, seriously, I'm so ordinary, why would you take time to hate me?) My message to you is, "You can tear me down because I'm a strong wall. You can shake me. You can crack me. But you'll never break me." :)

Interview 101 (An interview with MALE AUTHORS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon