Chapter One

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Warning: Graphic Language

Chapter One

Its been about two weeks since Brice and I got together and to say that it's not a tad bit awkward would be a slight lie. Now don't get me wrong...we still hang out like best friends and talk every day. But what happened is always there just sitting in the back of my mind and usually comes to the surface at the wrong moments. He doesn't make it any easier either.

For example, when we're in the locker room getting dressed for practice, I can't help but to stare at that sexy ass body and the things I know that it could do. But what makes it worse is that he'll notice that I'm looking because I'm usually spaced out when I stare thinking naughty things; he'll wink or lick his lips. See what I mean? Does not make is easier.

We've honestly never really talked about what happened. I never want to bring it up and I guess he never does either. I honestly just don't want to ruin our friendship. It hasn't helped that he's also been down about Bree, which I completely understand. I mean he does have to see her at school on a daily basis. I know she has tried to talk to him multiple times but he usually just ignores her. She only sends me death glares which I don't mind because I send them right back.

As for me, I have come to terms with the fact that I'm bisexual. It seems weird how I never noticed it before about myself. Not only do I think Brice it the hottest mother fucker ever, but I've noticed that I'm attracted to other guys as well. And I know for a fact that I'm attracted to girls because I've never had a problem in the sexual department with them if you know what I mean.

Personally, I love this discovery about myself because now I have way more options to hook up with people. I know Brice said that what we did wasn't a onetime thing, but I just find that hard to believe. Like I said before, Brice is the relationship guy and I just don't see him being in a relationship with a man, especially me. Now don't get me wrong, I would love to have Brice, but I'm not the type of person to be under any illusions that what we did was more than a hook-up. And I'm not offended about that. I enjoyed myself and I'm almost positive he did also, and that's where it ends. I just don't think he would be able to except his sexuality if he thought of himself any other thing than straight.

The ringing of a bell snaps me out of pondering about my thoughts on the last two weeks. And I assume that the bell means this class is over because everyone it getting up. I get up and make my way towards the front and out the classroom door. On the way out, I'm still so preoccupied with my thoughts that I bump into someone kind of hard.

I hear books hitting the floor and a slight grunt. I look up and it's Colton. He's a junior, but he's on the football team. Remember when I said that I find other guys attractive? Yeah, he's definitely one of them. He has short golden brown hair and his eye color is completely different than anything I've ever seen; they are this golden color, it's pretty cool. Not to mention I know what his body looks like thanks to locker rooms (Perv? Me? Hell yes!!). He's a little bit smaller than me, but damn does this boy have a fine body. I would love to just run my tongue down those gorgeous abs.

His voice snaps me out of my fantasizing, "Hey Devin, you okay man?"

"Shit yeah Colt, I'm sorry, I was just spaced out. Damn. Sorry for running into you."

He smiles, showing off those beautiful white teeth and I just about have a heart attack, "Nah its cool dude. You going to Holly's party tonight?"

"Of course I am, wouldn't miss it for the world. I just feel like I need to have fun and probably have a few too many drinks."

He laughs at that, "Rough week?"

"Oh dude you have no idea."

He looks down at the floor for a second, then slowly brings his eyes towards my face. If I'm not mistaken, he just checked me out. I pretend not to notice but when I look into his eyes I noticed that he has this mischievous twinkle in his eye, "Yeah well I'll guess I'll see you tonight then huh?"

I sputter out a "yeah, see you tonight" then we part ways.

Could he be into me? Shit I hope so because I would not mind having a piece of that.

I get snapped out of my thoughts once more when I hear Brice calling my name down the hallway. I turn around and my heart flutters a little when I see him. What the fuck was that? I just ignore it and make my way towards him.

"What's up man?"

He just looks at me weird for a second then asks, "Since when are you and Colton friends?"

That's a weird question, I think to myself but I answer anyway "uhh, I just accidently ran into him and he asked if I'm going to Holly's tonight."

He looks down, "oh cool cool. Umm you gonna ride with me tonight?"

"Well yeah, when don't I?" I laugh a little and so does he.

"Alright, well I'll pick you up at like 9 okay?"

"Yeah that's cool, see you tonight man." I say and I walk away.

I hear him mumble a "see yah" as I'm leaving.

As I'm walking away, I'm thinking what was up with that question about Colt. It was so out of left field. Wait...could he be jealous that I was talking to Colt?...

No. Definitely not. That's ridiculous to even think to myself. But a little part of me kind of wishes he was. 

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