Part 2

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            Twenty minutes later Michelle opened the door to her motel room and they both fell onto the bed. She giggled as she slipped off her jacket, skirt and boots revealing her slim figure now only briefly covered by black panties and a bra. "Your turn," she said to Shane, "You can't make love to me with your clothes on."
Up until that moment Shane was undecided if he would go through with it, but the sight of her beautiful almost naked body made his mind up in an instant. "Just a minute," he said as he reached over and turned on the bedside lamp. He then got up and turned off the main light. "Just some mood lighting," he murmured to the girl who was now lying on her back watching him. He quickly undressed down to his boxers, then lay down on the bed next to Michelle. She reached over and slowly pulled down his pants. 
An hour later they lay on the bed panting. Shane was exhausted. He had never had such energetic sex like this with Emily. They had used at least six different positions, he had orgasmed twice and he had no idea how many orgasms Michelle had moaned her way through. "Wow, that was amazing," he said to her. "Can I hold you for a while?"
"Sure," she murmured, "but don't get attached to me, don't tell me you love me. Remember we have to go our own separate ways tomorrow. We are like ships in the night."
Hours later as it was getting light Shane said goodbye to the amazing blonde girl and walked to his motel which was not far down the street. Later as he was driving along the highway towards Sydney he thought back the previous night. It almost seemed like a dream. No it was real, it had happened. Then he felt a pang of guilt. How could be have done this to Emily? Despite having a fight with her the other day he loved her and he knew she loved him. But he could never tell her about Michelle. It would destroy their marriage. He decided to pretend that last night really had been a dream....a wonderful fantastic sexy dream.


It was nine in the evening when he finally pulled into his driveway. What sort of mood would Emily be in he wondered. She hadn't called him once during the four days he was gone. He opened the front door and stepped into the lounge room carrying his suitcase.
His wife was sitting on the lounge watching television. She smiled and said, "Welcome home. Come and sit with me."
As he sat down she threw her arms around him and gave him long kiss. After they pulled apart she whispered in his ear, "I'm sorry, I've missed you. Let's not fight again."
"I'm sorry too," he said, "I agree, let's try not to fight ever again."
All was right with the world. He was home with his loving wife and he was happy. Last night was just a wonderful dream. He hadn't really done anything wrong. Rob's words from a couple of weeks ago came back to him: Every man deserves one night off from his marriage, if your wife never finds out, where's the harm in it?

The following night Shane had finished dinner, the kids had gone to bed and Emily was in the lounge room reading a book. He was in his home office doing some internet research on his laptop computer. His mobile phone rang. He picked it up and looked at the screen. 'Caller unknown'.
"Hello, Shane here."
A familiar voice answered him. "Hi Shane, remember me?"
"Michelle?" he gasped in astonishment, "What are you doing calling me? How did you get my number?"
"Well when you had a shower yesterday morning before you left me I had a look in your wallet. You had a card in there with all your details including your mobile phone number and wife's phone number and workplace. She works in a real estate office, that's so cool. I found the website and I know what her work email address is."
Shane got up and quietly closed the door. He didn't want Emily overhearing this conversation. "Michelle, what do you want? I thought we agreed Friday night was a one off and we would never contact each other again."
"I changed my mind. I've decided since I gave you such a wonderful night of pleasure that you owe me something." Her soft voice then took on a hard edge to it. "I'm going to give you a bank account number. I want you to transfer ten thousand dollars into it."
Shane couldn't believe it. He was being scammed. "And if I don't, you'll call my wife and tell her I had sex with you I suppose," he said. "She wouldn't believe you."
"I think she will when I email her a few stills from the video I took of us."
"You videoed us?"
"I had a camera set up on the table pointing at the bed. It was hidden behind a vase. I turned it on when we came in the door. You photographed really well. I think your wife will be impressed when she sees them."
Shane sank into his chair taking deep breaths. Finally he said, "If I pay you the ten thousand, how do I know you won't want more in a week from now, or a month, or a year?"
"You don't, but I tell you what. You're a nice guy Shane, so as long as you pay up you have my word you will never hear from me again."
"I thought you were decent genuine person. You're just a scamming bitch."
"Ooohh! That hurt," she said in a mocking voice, "No more insults Shane, or the price goes up. But you have no one to blame but yourself. I didn't force you to come to my motel room, I didn't force you to have sex with me. That was entirely your own doing."
Shane continued taking deep breaths, his chest felt tight. Michelle was right, it was all his own doing. She had dangled the carrot and like an idiot he had taken the bait.
"Are you still there Shane? Write down this bank account number. I'll give you four days to allow for transfer delays. If I don't have the money by this time Thursday night, your wife will receive a nice email with attachments on Friday morning. And since I know where you work I'll also send them your firm's email address. What would your boss think?"
He felt numb inside as he picked a pen and notepad.

Michelle smiled as she disconnected the call. She hoped Shane would come through. She had genuinely liked him, that's why she had only asked for ten thousand. It had worked liked a charm the last two times she had tried it. They had both been wealthy business men, she had got twenty thousand from each of them, so with Shane's money she had now made fifty thousand dollars in just two months. She could go on a holiday. Who needed a job!
Lucky for her, though, that Shane had not asked for a sample of the incriminating photos. It had all been a bluff. She looked at the video on her computer again. Shane had turned off the main light and turned on the bedside lamp which had dimly illuminated them from behind. It was impossible to make out their faces. The couple on the bed could have been anyone. She would have to get a better camera for next time.

On his computer Shane checked the balance of his and Emily's joint account. Ten thousand two hundred and forty dollars. Enough to pay Michelle, but Emily would immediately notice their account being almost emptied. She would want to know what Shane had spent the money on, and why he hadn't discussed it with her first which is what they always did. Their finances were limited at the moment due to a mortgage and other loan repayments.
Hell! He was in a mess! There was no way out. Even if he did pay up and somehow keep Emily from finding out, there was no guarantee Michelle wouldn't come after him for more, despite what she had said.
There was only one thing he could do. Emily would probably throw him out of the house, tell all their friends and relatives what a cheating asshole of a husband he was. He would only get to see his kids on weekends if he was lucky. He had ruined his life for one night of adulterous pleasure. He walked slowly out to the lounge room.
Emily looked up from her book, "Shane, you look terrible. What's wrong?"
In a monotone he said, "I have something to tell you. I've done something terrible, really terrible."


Author's Note
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment. I always answer comments.
Sooooo, you married guys who have just read this. If this happened to you and you were sure you would get away with it.....would you do it? Maybe you should think again!
Oh, one more thing. I had written a hot steamy sex scene describing what went on between Michelle and Shane in the motel room, but afterwards I thought it might be too extreme for this story, so I deleted it. Sorry!!!

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