Chapter 30// Our future, together

Start from the beginning

So as I spot the fearful expression on his face through the rusted bars of the wickedly curved gate I know that I have successfully put the fear of God inside of him. The fire and ice return to each of my palms and a smirk returns to my victorious face. All it takes is a short moment in which I lock eyes with a grinning Kyle for me to figure out what I have to do.

"All of you amazing supernatural creatures fighting beside me," I shout into the bloodied courtyard" for once we are going to join forces as one race. No longer are we restricted to stereotypical groupings or cultures. For this one battle we will fight as one, and hopefully as we defeat those hideous dick heads across the bridge, you will see that as one we are a force to be reckoned with!"

And for once in history, all races of supernatural creatures join in a unified war cry. It is a cry for blood and revenge for all of the lives of our own that have been sacrificed in this gruelling process. But most of all, it is a cry of joy. Joy at finally being in control of our own futures. Joy at finally getting to feel strong. Powerful.
That is what we are. A powerful, unified army walking into battle with no fear in any of the deep crevices of our mind harbouring all of our darkest thoughts.

We are a mighty force that will descend upon Rocky like nothing he has ever seen.

With one last loud and victorious battle cry, I continue my sprint across the bridge except this time I have an army of shouting werewolves, vampires, warlocks, witches and fairies behind me. To my left I see Luke yelling at an auburn haired kid to keep up. I'm not sure who the kid is but I'm pretty sure that he had something to do with how charred the bridge is since he is running so close to the beta. On my right I see Kyle, looking just as hot if not even more so. The sunset lighting does justice to his golden hair that is practically glowing in the light. As we meet eyes in that brief moment, nothing has to be said. We both know how we feel about each other, and about all of the anger and sadness we felt while I was asleep and that is all I need to keep me going. Just imagining all of the grief that Kyle went through when I left him.

No. I did not leave him. He was ripped away from me by that dick head across the bridge.

Just as I'm mere metres away from Rocky and his face comes into view I think back to all of the shit he has put me through. He took away my happiness. He took away my mate. He tried to take away my future. But unfortunately for him, I don't go down easy. If anything by pissing me off as much as he has I have become a singular monolith fuelled by hatred. And Im heading right for him.

The two armies collide in a violent array of blood, claws and flying fists. Luke takes on a massive werewolf twice his size. However, Luke is also twice as fast, so as they run at each other he swiftly slides underneath the brute only to rise on the other side of him with his claws angled for his heart. The pathetic slob didn't get the chance to gasp or even grunt in pain as Luke buried his sharp appendages deep into his back, killing him in an instant. As much as it pains me to say it, Luke is actually an excellent fighter. Plus, the swiftness in which he moves from kill to kill must drive the girls crazy. However, my heart lies with my amazingly attractive mate for all of eternity.

Speaking of my angel, as soon we reached Rocky's army Kyle ran straight for the two main commanders leading majority of the offensive. This time they weren't as big as Luke's kill was. They were lean and swift with wickedly curved claws aimed straight for my mate's face. Kyle however, was swifter, avoiding them by leaning under each arm as they came hurtling his way until he was right in front of them, with their jaws in his tightening hands. He effortlessly lifted them off the ground as they desperately clawed at his hands, leaving shallow claw marks up his wrist. For a moment I think of running to him, since the sight of his blood is making me more scared by the second. But he quickly reprieves himself by crushing their jaws in his hands and then bashing their heads together with a sickening crunch.

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